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Val: I'm not feeling well :(

Jack: it's those Jonas cooties

Val: his name is andrew jonES

Jack: he's Kevin Jonas now

Val: there isn't even anything wrong with the jo bros

Val: they were my childhood obsession

Jack: fine then, what's wrong?

Val: fever

Val: I love your hair

Jack: you should get sick more often

Val: ha ha

Val: real cute

Val: but seriously, it's like the bestest thing about you

Jack: that isn't a word

Val: *greatest

Val: sorry, I didn't know you became my English professor

Jack: it's cool

Jack: I didn't either

Jack: btw have you taken your fever meds?

Val: you're my fever meds

Val: sorry, it was the perfect opportunity hahaha

Val: but yes, I have

Jack: send me a selfie

Jack: not an old one

Val: dude

Jack: Zach's peeping

Jack: he's such an idiot

Val: I'm bedridden, I'm sick

Val: and I haven't even showered yet

Jack: that's exactly why I asked

Val: so you'd have an ugly pic of me?

Jack: so I'd get to see a you that isn't the you on instagram?

Val: wow

Jack: I know, cliché

Jack: Zach just smacked me over the head and ran off to tell the others

Jack: I'm gonna be the joke of the night

Val: it's sweet

Jack: that's why I said it

Jack: I got skills

Val: and you ruined it by being a dork

Jack: eh it lasted while it could

Val: (selfie)

Val: I swear if you post that anywhere I'll kill you

Jack: you seriously have to teach me your selfie techniques

Val: it's the duck face, it's not rocket science

Jack: well it's my wallpaper now

Val: shut up

Jack: I mean it

Val: Jack seriously no

Val: I'll send you a better pic

Val: even one I haven't posted

Val: a recent one

Val: (selfie from two days ago)

Val: you know I know you're reading this


Val: I hate you

Jack: love you too baby

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