Chapter 7 (Castanic)

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A close cousin of the Untaimed, born from the demon of Cunning. Castanics inspire more conflicting emotions than any other race in the federation. Clever and skilled, castanics are also opportunistic and hot-tempered. A castanic never forgets a friend and never abandons an ally. They're also notoriously quick-tempered and have a tendency to decapitate first and accept apologies second.

The castanic race is famous for the skill of its artisans and crafters. They are also adept merchants—cunning negotiators who love the interplay of bargaining, and strive to come out on top in every deal.

Already known as a fiery-tempered race, castanics have found an uneasy niche in the Valkyon Federation. Council decisions against their wishes frequently find castanic factions acting on their own. They take what they can, though they never steal, and they look out for each other.

Castanics in the Federation are willing to work together for the common good, but only so far as the common good doesn't take too long or come at too high a price. They're perfectly willing and able to go their own way if necessary.

Their Capital city is Castanica. Castanica lies in a vale on the east coast of the continent of Southern Arun. The dark heart of Clan Castanic crackles with energy. Their merchants can find anything—for the right price. Much like its thorny, dark architecture and its oft-misunderstood inhabitants, a harsh beauty lurks beneath the surface. Between the darkness and the light, the Shrouded Rose continues to glow, and the proud people of the city take their place on the world stage.

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