Isht Kicking !

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Chapter 4

Mike’s P.O.V.

“Tell me again why he won’t shut the hell up?” Mr. Cortez’s tone was scary as fuck so I decided not to answer. Right now Mr. Cortez, Marcus, and I were all sitting at Mr. Cortez’s dining table. Marcus wouldn’t quiet the fuck down, only adding fuel to Mr. Cortez’s agitation.

“May I get some water?” I asked, polite as can be. I just needed to find a way to bust out of here. We were only a little ways away from the town so eventually I’d get to some buildings.

“Yes, but I am watching you.” He answers and walks past a gasping Marcus. Turns out that I’d not only stomped on the poor guys hand but I may have grazed his face. When I say ‘may’ I mean definitely and when I say ‘grazed’ I mean the bottom of my shoes are now imprinted on the dudes face.

When I’d seen that, I’d promptly ran like the hounds at my Uncle Rex’s junk yard were going to get me. I made it a good 13 feet when my damn teacher plucked me back like my Aunt Hilley’s mustache.

“Ey, what is wrong?” Marcus was semi-normal only giggling every other word.

“Nothing,” I reply dragging out the o-, “can I go to the outhouse, I gotta piss like a race horse?”

After scrunching his nose in distaste he motions to a hallway,” It will be the second door on the right.”

Following his instructions I creep passed the kitchen where a mighty fine man was fixing to get a glass. It was on the top of the cabinet and although he was a tall man his body was still stretched to the max, a moan worthy sight.

“Damn.” It was a whisper. One that I’d hoped was lost in the distance.

“Remember,” he says coming down from his reach, effectively knocking me out of my lust induced haze. Slightly, “I’m watching you.”

Almost running down the hallway I slam the door shut roughly. It took me a good minute but I finally found the switch. Click!, it echoes throughout the room and I stare in a new kind of horror.


It’s fucking pink.

Ruffles, cutesy soaps, plush towels, and flowers all crowd the walls in this partially roomy area. Even the damned toilet cushion was pink. It’d be fine if they were multiple pinks, light shades, but No. It was the hottest damned pink on pink on pink. Whatever lasting effects I’d had from seeing that sexy man was now lost in a sea of fucked up woman fantasies. EW!

“Holy shit!” yelling I run into the door. On my second try I open it only to hit a particularly yummy chest.

“What in the spirit’s name is wrong?” Mr. Cortez grumbles while checking me for injuries, expressing major concern.

“M-Mr. Cortez,” I stutter, jumping into his arms, “It’s in there.”

Mi’s P.O.V.

Mm-Mm-Mm good. After Mike jumped into this scrumptious mans arms I squealed and took over. “Why is it so pink?” my child-like voice is completely different from Mike’s and Mr. Hunk over here takes notice. When I’d buried my head into his neck he carried my bridal style back down the hall. When I talked he abruptly stopped and lifted me in front of him by my armpits.

“Eek you’re so cute!” I scream, throwing my arms around his neck.

“What just happened?” This question is directed toward Marcus who just walked around the corner. He eyes me wrapped tightly in Mr. Hunk’s embrace.

“Izaac?” Marcus questions meaning he didn’t hear Mr. Hunk’s own question.

“Your name is so fucking awesome. Ehrmergerd just like unicorns. Dude, they totally rock. With the horns and colors and . . . shit.” As I babble the two men look at each other.

“I don’t know. He freaked out because of what I’m assuming is my decoration skills, then his demeanor completely altered.”

“Oh spirit shit, he did the same thing earlier. Is he mentally deficient?”

Growling rumbles under my ear where I’d rested my head. Sighing I climb down calmly and proceed to dust myself off. The boys stare intently for no apparent reason.

Oh wait, “Marcus!” I squeal and get a running start while hopping onto his back. Before I get comfy though, I’m yanked away by Izaac. “No!” I cry at first then completely forget as he rubs my tummy seeing as how my back is to his chest. As he passes by again I let out a moan and he stiffens.

Mika’s P.O.V.

After Mi’s embarrassing moan I decided enough was enough. So as I come back I notice all is quiet and we are frozen still. Shifting to jump down I gasp as I rub an impressive bulge that’s poking my bottom. This time I stifle yet another moan and successfully hop to my feet. Reluctantly he lets go, “Can I have that water now?” I ask this back to my normal subdued self.

Frustratingly, Marcus yells, “Again, he did it again!”

*Why is he mad? What did we do? Make him stop!* Ika’s mantra leaks through as I cower in the corner, tucking my body in to itself.


They simultaneously step for and I automatically flinch back. At my flinch, I spot keys lying on top of a table not too far from my position. Inching toward them, I make sure the guys don’t realize my intent. All they’re doing is looking at each other and walking slowly to me.

When I effectively wrap my fingers around the ring I look behind me. Good. The window is wide open behind me and leads to what I believe is the truck the keys match up to. As I thank the spirits for my unfathomable luck I prepare myself for the following task.

“Mika, calm down, we won’t hurt you.” Izaac says this in what I believe he thinks is a reassuring tone. It comes out far too gruff to be anywhere near comforting.

“See yah at school, teach.” I reply and jump back. As I turn my body mid-air I land gracefully on my feet. Hehe, that wasn’t so bad. The slamming of a door brings my victory to a close.

“Mika, mate, come back!”

Disregarding that entire sentence I haul ass to Marcus’ truck. Jumping in I crank the engine. “Yeehaw!” Mike yells as we set off, a trail of dust in our wake. Looking back I see a fuming Izaac. I wouldn’t be surprised if steam shot through his ears.

Well this is exciting.

Finally relaxing I crank up the music. 

“He can’t even bait a hook, he can’t even skin a buck!” Justin Moore blasts through and Mike jams insistently.

{This road is awfully dark.} Mi screams over Mike’s tuneless singing. {Are we multi-taskers or what?!}

Yeah, kinda creepy. I’m in a little piece of forest that blocks Izaac’s house from prying eyes. This particular place seems like it would be serene during daylight but right now it was threatening. Since I have the music up and am thinking to myselves rather than paying attention it takes me a moment to notice a pair of headlights coming from the rear.

I wouldn’t have noticed but for a wolves howl stupendously close, causing my head to turn wildly. [Shit, the headlights are gainin’] Mike says when I fail to locate any animal.

As I kick up the speed “What was I thinking?” by Dierks Bentley starts blaring through the speakers. This bomb ass song mixed with my situation has the adrenaline pumping fast. Concentrating on the task at hand I take a sharp turn. After this turn a blur to my right causes my head to swivel in panic. Looking out I find a wolf about six sizes too big staring directly into my eyes.

I cannot look away and as the wolf’s eyes widen in alarm I have a last moment of clarity. I need this animal. At this realization I’m jerked back to reality. Swerving the truck roughly I try to avoid a dead tree lying in the road.

            CRASH! EEERR! Glass shatters as I roll continuously.

{Being tossed around fucking sucks!} Mi screeches, then all is silent. 

Confuse Me, Lovely [BoyxBoy] {Teacher/Student} ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now