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While Justin was freaking out about my diabetes I was clam me and Nick where good friends before I was famous and I'd been round it my whole life nick was like a brother to me he was always there no matter what he and I used to date when he was in the Jonas brothers but I loved him differently me and hiking understand that we aren't together and won't be agin and Justin and Taylor kissed way back when so its not a big deal to me or nick we just excepted that I was meant for Justin and Taylor for Nick the doctor came in and Justin asked "so. Are we here over night " "well Ross is you are free to go Though "he old doctor said "why what's wrong with Ross "Justin said "just have to be sure he doesn't fall into a coma agin and that he knows what he's doing with his diabetes "the doctor said "does the media know we are here " I ask " yes we are trying to holed them off "the doctor said "bring in E news and E new only "Justin said. To my surprise "okay"the doctor said "what did you do that for "I asked "to announce the engagement " Justin said with is I only thought once smile "really!!!"I said so happy "yes baby I love you " Justin said

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2014 ⏰

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