Justin pov

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What even is diabetes . Doesn't nick Jonas have it I'm going to call him. The phone rang four time "hey Justin what's up. " hey Nick you me and Ross are together right " yeah you told me there day "he said " well we just found out hes diabetic "I said "oh..is he okay "yeah but I don't know much about diabetes, what is it "I said"diabetes is a disease that attacks the immune system and makes the pancreas die ." "Oh " I said " yeah what pump is he looking at " the doctor said Medtronic would be best "I said he said " yeah I use the ommi pod it's cordless ,but I've heard the Medtronic is great "he said "okay thanks how are you and Taylor " I asked nick is also gay and dating Taylor lautner "me and him are great he's awesome I got to go Though me and him are going to eat "he said "thats great talk to you later thank you so much nick " I said "your welcome he said " bye nick " bye Justin "

"I talked to nick he said don't worry about it "I said to ross "okay I wasn't but lol "

"Love you babe " I said "love you to " ross replied

---Not part of the story

Hey guys sorry I haven't updated I've been sick I put a little teaser on my next story in there hope you like



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