(Chapter 1)(bothered)

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(Chapter 1)(bothered)

(Miranda's p.o.v)

I laid in my air stream, Eric came in and made me sit up.

I did and he sat on my couch and then I laid my head in his lap. He played on his phone.

He was down about his recent break up. The girl had changed her mind and found another man. "How's your day been?" I asked. "Its been alright." He says.

Blake had called earlier. We had talked, but I was starting to like Eric. He stroked my hair.

He sighed. "What's wrong ?" I asked. "Nothing just have writers block real bad". He says. "Sucks don't it". I say. "Yeah". He says.

We stayed there for a while.

"How bout we strike a deal". He says. "What's that?" I ask.

"Rock, paper, scissors, on who writes the next song for the winners record ." He says. I smiled.

We played rock , paper , scissors. I lost two outta three.

I sighed. "Haha loser." He says leaned over me with his nose on mine. His necklaces cold against my ear. I placed my hand on his cheek and we kissed . I jerked away. "I'm sorry, I like you but I can't , I shouldn't have kissed you, I'm still married to Blake ". I say fast, feeling stupid that I had kissed another man while I was married.

(Back at home)

Blake screamed at me.

"Church of all men !"

He fussed. "Blake honey I didn't mean too it was a big mistake!" I say. "How can I trust you?" He says coldly. "Blake!" I say .

"And why did you flirt with him". He says. "Blake I didn't mean too, please trust me !" I pleaded.

"I can't trust you anymore, you put your mouth on his, while you were married to me!" He says, still not listening. "Blake technically we weren't married yet." I say. "Get out ". He growled. "Blake I /

He cut me off.

"Just go!" He says.

"Fine but I hope you know what you've lost and will never get back!" I cry.

I ran outta the house and hooked up my airstream to my truck.

I went back in and got my stuff.

And loaded up my airstream and was headed who knows where, and I didn't give a damn.

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