a peaceful sunday morning

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"hey..." kuroo's voice was muzzy, seemingly unreal and more like a part of a dream than a potential reality. it was soft to your ears, oddly comforting like a warm blanket and smooth like honey. you felt that thinking that way was weird but you were tired. the thoughts were pushed aside and given slack. after all, you were still in a dreamlike state, unsure of reality. he spoke again. "it's like... 10..." a yawn reached your ears and words soon followed mid yawn. "you want breakfast or something?" he sighed out the rest of his yawn. "brunch or whatever...?"

still detached from reality, you kept quiet, not responding or even thinking of a response. you had just taken in his voice, paying no mind to what was coming from his mouth but rather just basking in the sweetness of his soft tone. it was relaxing, the way he spoke to you, and brought upon a sense of peacefulness to your surroundings. you smiled.


it was a nice way to be lulled awake — a slow pull from fantasy into a rather pleasant reality. to have someone come wake you up in your room in such a soft manner gave you a warm feeling, feelings of gratefulness filling your body so early in the morning. your smile widened.

"y/n, i know you're—" another yawn escaped through his lips "—hhhmmm... awake..."

this time, instead of just hearing him, you felt the bed dip. the physical contact had brought you a sense of reality. your foot followed the change of level and dipped down onto kuroo's side, comfortably resting against his lower back. his hand gently rested on your thigh, shaking you gingerly so not to irritate you as you left your dreamlike state.

"bre—" he paused abruptly, cutting himself off to correct his word choice "—brunch?"

only a hum left your lips as you stretched out your body, bringing about a start to getting your body ready for the day. however, the morning just seemed too peaceful to let go to waste. you wanted to cherish the moment, reside in it for a little longer. you want the serenity to last.

your eyes finally opened and your knuckles rubbed against them gently in attempt to bring the sleep out of your eyes. not that it was helping since you just wanted to sleep some more with kuroo by your side. you took in the rather warm hue of your room, the sun shining in through the windows illuminating contents in your room with a soft glow. even kuroo had the sun shining on him making him look more like a dream than anything else. even still you were able to see his sleepiness. "come lay down," you murmured, voice hoarse but still quite pretty. it was rather inviting and still sweet to kuroo's ears.

how could he possibly resist?

a small smile formed on his lips and without a second thought, he brought himself up onto your bed properly to lay himself down comfortably beside you. his arms didn't hesitate to wrap around your frame, pulling you close to his chest and hold you like his own little teddy bear. his body relaxed against yours and soon enough, he was starting to feel like he could fall asleep at any second.

"scratch brunch out of our schedule," you yawned, snuggling up close which brought even more warmth to your body. "let's just lay here for a while long."

kuroo hummed, his fingers beginning to press small absentminded circles against the small of your back. he was falling asleep quicker than he intended to but couldn't be bother to fight it. "sure..." he mumbled, almost incoherent, "just... wake me up whenever..."

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