CLASH OF THE DRUG TITANS - (The Recession/The Trojan War)

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Prosper was feeling that pull again. That adrenaline rush that came with new business. He liked the smell of success and the aroma of new business. There was a portion of him that was a little leery, because Freddie, who he'd known for several years now and undertook many business ventures with, was not above the average shady deal. Somehow though, Freddie always escaped unscathed. One thing Prosper did know is that when things went as planned, the deals he had made through Freddie were ridiculously lucrative.

Freddie had introduced him to Venus Cartwright over five years ago. Venus had shown her prowess in business when she'd come to Prosper to broker a deal between herself, Althea and Hyacinth Jones. They were all up for a deal with a very generous venture capitalist. They all had their business proposals and called on Prosper to choose the winning model, the one that would look more feasible to the team of investors that acquired him.

They were all business savvy. They all had plans that piqued his interest, but Venus' plan was flawless. Her plan had built in provisions for him to have a stake in Fannie Mae, the leading mortgage, school loan and finance company in the United States. He was salivating. He easily chose her hands down. No shade, she just had the more attractive deal.

The decision had been easy to make but difficult to verbalize. How do you tell two queen-pens that someone other than them had the more lucrative deal? Even worse, how do you choose between a mother and daughter? He would never have been prepared to do that.  In truth, the mother/daughter dynamic also made his decision easier.

"You made a solid choice Prosper," she said while firmly shaking his hand. "Fannie Mae is a federally funded and traded company. There is nothing to be made but money all around. Besides, this new found wealth of yours can only benefit The New Economy."

His brother, Herald was apprehensive. He was content within the safety of the multi-million dollar business their father had built. He was one of the only African-American men who was respected for their business in a largely Korean hair care based business.  

"Prosz, there is still a lot of money to be made in hair care. Why are you trying to reinvent the wheel?"

Herald just didn't think like he did. He was born in a time when their parents where struggling. King and Nessa Waymon had built themselves up from nothing. They'd realized the American dream not just for themselves, but all so for their 9 children. Prosper was born into the wealth. Just as his name proclaimed, he would always be in pursuit of more.

Although Kingsley Waymon had done well, he had not reached the major money level of The New Economy, a group of high rollers and ballers that dealt in federal and international money. These people weren't just dealing in Dollars and Euros, but gold, bitcoin, bullion and crypto currency.  Crypto coming had proven itself to be the up and coming thing with 700% return on investment. This wasn't just Old money vs. New money...this was pure gold brick baby...what was richer than that?

He knew what he wanted and it lay far beyond laying tracks in some girl's head.  She smiled, handed him her card and made her exit. Since that time, he'd made a series of administrative choices that increased his net worth, tremendously.  He packed his briefcase and closed his office door.

"If anyone calls Irene, take a message. I may be out for the rest of the day."

"Yes sir Mr. Waymon."

He walked into the elevator and hit the button to go to the lobby. Two blocks and three avenues separated their offices. Freddie had insisted on his office facing Central Park. He claimed it was because he liked the fresh air that he got from the trees, but Prosper suspected it was something other than that. He knew Central Park West afforded Freddie a legitimacy that another location would not.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2023 ⏰

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