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(general) Thomas

Its been a few months that you've been in the glade and since Teresa showed up, only girls came up the box. There were now 5 girls in total in the glade. You were the second girl to show up and things have been kinda good.

Weird thing was that you and all if the other girl had all gotten the gut feeling to be a runner, witch is crazy! Bit still, you would not rest until you get a foot in that maze.

Today, you decided to go up to Thomas and talk to him about putting a good word for you to Minho.

"Hey Thomas!" You said jogging up to him.

"Oh, hi (Y/N)" he said with a smile.

"So how've you been?" You asked making small talk before asking him to be a runner.

"Alright i guess." He said putting his hand trew his hair.

"Good that. So i was wondering..." You said trailing off as Thomas interrupted you.

" you wanna be a runner. Don't you?" he said with a faint smile locking at the ground.

"Yeah, how did you know that?" You asked with a questionable tone of voice.

"Because Cleo told me about all you girls wanting to be runners. And don't worry, i totally get it. I had the same felling when i arrived at the glade." He said pacing around playing with his dirty hands.

"Oh... Well what do you think? Do you think its possible, you know. For me to start running soon?" You asked wanting to know the answer desperately.

"Yeah for sure! I mean, i talked to it about Minho and he thinks thats its an ok idea. His only condition is that you girls need to be with a another runner." He said with a grin knowing that you would been ecstatic with the news

"Are you shucking serious? O my gosh Thomas, you are the best!" You Said jumping up and down hugging Thomas.

"I try!" He said giving me a cute little smirk. Awh he is just so cute! Wait. Back up. No. I did not think that. Haha. Did i say cute? Oh i meant cu-cucomber? Oh klunk. Why did i just taught that?

"Eum. Ok.. So when do we start?" You said stuttering still felling weird about the hole 'cute' thing.

"Tree days? Sounds good?" He started walking to back up slowly to the homestaed.

"Perfect!" You said felling a jolt of electricity in you stomach. You were just so excited.


Its been 3 days and today was the day you started running! You and the other 4 girls were assigned with one runner each. You were with Thomas.

"Ready to go?" He asked filling up his back pack with food and water.

"Oh please. I was born ready." You said putting you pack on your shoulders waiting for Thomas.

"All right then. Lets go (Y/N)." He said walking up to the doors. They weren't open yet. The sun has barley begun to rise but you and the girl woke up extra early just to get in the maze.

You ran for god knows how many hours and you started felling the fatigue hitting you in the face like a brick. You slowed down to a jog and called out to Thomas how was already a feet feet ahed.

"Thomas. I-we. Can we take-a brake?" You said panting after each word left your dry mouth

"Al right. Its almost noon so we better eat now." He said walking towards you locking at his watch.

You sat leaning against the wall of the maze as Thomas did the same. You both opened your packs and started eating what Frypan has prepared for us.

As you both eat in science, you saw in the corner of your eye Thomas starting to scoot over to you. You didn't scoot away from him not knowing what the boy is doing.

He was now really close to you. Your hips and arms touched at the smallest movement. You felt shivers up and down your spine as you bodies touched. It was a felling you have never felt before and it was amazing.

You then turn you head slightly facing Thomas to find him already gazing at you. He didn't flinch or nothing as he saw that you noticed him starring. The only thing he did was inching closer, and closer, leaving a few millimetres from both of your lips touching. You felt his hot breath on your skin as your foreheads touched. You waited a few seconds just being happy in that moment with this cute boy. You then leaned in completely and kissed his lips passionately.

The felling was amazing! As cheesy as it sounds, you felt the butterflies and the fireworks were felt as both if your lips collided. The way this his lips and yours touched was as if they were literally made for each other.

As the kiss softly ended, both you and Thomas smiled at the ground, foreheads still touching.

"That was... Wow..." Thomas mumbled under his breath.

Your smile grew larger and you looked up, gazing at his eyes. "Yeah. It was wow." You said chuckling as Thomas lift his head

"I didn't taught you liked me." He said scooting over even closer.

"If i can be totally honest, i didn't know eider... But... Know you... Wow" you said with a smile upon you rosy lips.

"Well this just made my day." Thomas said lifting you chin up with his index finger.

"Same here shank" you said with a giggle escaping both yours and Thomas lips.

"Ok. Lets go now" he said giving you a small pec on the cheek.

He held his hand out helping you get up. As both of you were up, you spoke:

"I can get used to this" and kissed his lips quickly before you started running again

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