If Only She Knew

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A/N Hi my Unicorns! (That's what you're called. Btw) I've already had six reads 😱 yeah yeah I know, some people have like 10000000 or something but I didn't think I'd get one. I'm sorry I took so long to update and I hope you (whoever the six of you who read my story are) enjoy this chaper.

~Bob! Cut forward to lunch please!~

Elsa POV

As I walk into the cafeteria, I'm shoved from side to side, occasionally stumbling. I've already earned the title of Nerd, Loser, Geek and Weirdo. I guess being smart and quiet has it's consequences. I look around and see a familiar red-head waving at me. I smile and walk over to her. "Hi Mer!" I say.

"Hey Elsa." She replys, looking around.

"What are you looking for?" I ask.

"Shhhhhhh!" She says. "Don't draw attention."

"To what?!" I ask, frustrated.

"Ugh! Now they're coming over!" She says.

"Who?" I ask, looking around. I turn, and come face to face with a group of five people. Everyone else in the room is quiet.

"Uh, 'scuse. You're in my way." Says the guy in front. My eyes widen. It's Jack. Jack Frost. "Wait. I recognise you... Elsa?" He asks.

"You know her?" Asks the guy behind him. He has an Australian accent.

"Ugh, out of the way, loser." Jack says, shoving me.

"Hey! Get lost." I shout. My temper snapping.

"What did you say?" The girl asks me, evilly.

"You heard me. Get. Lost." I retort.

"Wow, this ones got a mouth on her!" Says the fat one in a booming voice, addressing everyone who can hear. No one replys.

"Dick." I mutter under my breath. Suddenly I'm pinned against the wall.

"What did you say!" The Australian one shouts at me.

"Get. Off. Me! I. Hate. You!" I spit. I kick him in the leg.

"Owwwww!" He screams, punching me in the stomach. I double over but get up again quickly. I turn and run, pulling Merida behind me. "You. Little. Bitch! You. Will. Pay!" He screams after me but I don't stop. I don't stop until I'm outside.

"Woah. I have great respect for you." Merida breaths.

"So what? They were mean. I got mad."

"Wow. You are like steel." She says. "Or ice." If only she knew.

A/N Okay i am very sorry about the language in this story. My unicorns, I have a confession: I have become COMPLETELY obsessed with fanfics. Jelsa ones in particular. Especially @wafflepandathing I love hers. It is AMAZEBALLS! It's all her fault that I didn't update for ages! Well, that and my unhealthy obsession. I may update later, Unicorns, but idk. I don't have very many readers or anything but this is kinda for my own enjoyment at the moment. I NEED TO LET THE JELSA FEELS GO! Sorry. Bye. Actually I changed my mind. I need one thing : can anyone please tell me how to get bold writing and stuff cos I have no idea. Welp, bye!

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