Work Hours | Alfie

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Warnings: Implied smut, cutie pie Alfie
Word Count: 316


• Alfie wasn't the kind of person who favoured PDA
• In fact, the two of you rarely left the house together
• Instead, Alfie would leave you to lie in while he got ready for work
• Making sure to make as little noise as possible
• Although, he would leave a cup of tea and a note beside you so you wouldn't worry when you woke up alone
• Throughout the day you'd grow bored, the streets of London holding no pleasure or fun
• And the house was just as boring, every book on the shelf had been read and the morning newspaper had been devoured in 10 seconds flat
• Alfie had always said he didn't like to be bothered at work, that was his place, a place of dodgy dealings and disappearing men
• But God you were bored...
• You slinked down the corridor, past the casings of Rum and wandering eyes of his workforce
• Arriving at Alfie's door, you placed three knocks on the wood and entered when your husband gruffly yelled "Come in!"
• His face lit up when he saw you and he manouvered round his desk to meet you, taking your hands in his and bringing them to his lips for a kiss
"What are you doing here, My Love?"
• "The house got boring and I thought I'd come and suprise you..."
• You untied the belt of your trench coat, opening it slightly to reveal a lacy corset and panties - a set Alfie had bought you for your birthday
• Once again, Alfie's face lit up and his eyes gazed lustfully at your chest
• After a moment, he spoke, tripping up over his words
"I'm closing up. G-Give me 2 minutes, 2 minutes!"
• Alfie frantically fumbled for his keys as he swung his office door open, yelling at his workforce at the top of his lungs
"Out! The lot of 'ya! And don't come back 'till tomorrow!"

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