Little Girl | Isaiah

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Warnings: Swearing, fluff, over protective dad idk

Word Count: 1567


You bit your lip, sneaking up the stairs, making as little sound as you possibly could.
This was the third time you had stayed out this week, each time coming home to find your father stood at the bottom of the stairs; his face hard, jaw clenched.
Your father was John Shelby and one thing John Shelby hated more than people who fuck him over, is his little girl staying out past her curfew.
The clock on the wall hit 12 and you sighed, a heavy, relieved sigh. You'd studied your father's routine like a hawk; He'd come home from The Garrison at 6:00, light himself a cigarette at 6:07 and pour himself a drink at 6:13. Then he'd settle in for the night, usually quietly drifting off between 9 and 10, before heading upstairs to bed at 11.
You were safe.
Knowing you were no longer in danger you began to walk up the stairs with ease, no longer hunched over or planning each step you took.
"Shit. Shit shit shit" You cursed under your breath, looking down at the uneven stair below your feet. Your heart rate began to slowly rise to an unsteady beat.
You waited a few moments with baited breath, training your ears to recognize the slightest movement from upstairs.
Exhaling another relieved sigh you made it to the top of the stairs. Your father's door was slightly ajar, a thin strip of light escaping through the gap.
He'd left a candle burning. You shook your head, disappointed at his lack of care and softly made your way open to his room, pushing on the door.
You moved over to his bed, looking over him, a small smile sat on your lips.
"Goodnight, dad" You bent down, placing a kiss on his cheek and then blowing out the burning candle on the nightstand, cascading the room in darkness.
Once you got back to your room, you collapsed onto your bed, a small laugh catching in the back of you throat.
Tsk tsk tsk.
You squinted, a confused look passing across your face. A slight tap came from your window. You were on the second floor of the house and it was just gone midnight.
Who the hell was knocking on your window?
You grabbed the metal pole stood in the corner of your room for protection against the unknown, and made your way over to the curtains, pulling them back just enough to see through.
On the other side was Isaiah, his face beaming, and your breathing returned to normal. You unlatched your window and took his hand pulling him into your room.
"Shh, we can't make any noise" You giggled, gesturing to your father's room behind you.
"Don't worry, I'll be quiet" He whispered into your ear, grazing your neck with his mouth along the way. He grabbed your waist and pulled him into you, crashing his lips against yours, pulling at your bottom lip with his teeth.
"If you wake my dad he'll fucking skin you alive!" You said, wiggling out of his grip and closing the window; a warmth descending upon the room.
"I'm a Peaky Blinder too, you know. I ain't scared of him" He said, pulling you back into his body, holding you tightly. You felt safe in Isaiah's arms; It was a feeling you couldn't really describe.
"I wouldn't say that about John Shelby if i were you" You giggled, pushing into Isaiah's body. "As long as you're quiet, you can stay", you gave into him, cupping his face with your hands placing a small kiss on his lips.
"Oh darling. I'm not the one who needs to be quiet" He taunted you, pushing you down on the bed and climbing on top of you.
He kissed you with passion which you returned in a competitive way, pulling on his shirt. You giggled under him, moans escaping your lips every few seconds. Isaiah collapsed next to you, pulling you into his chest, resting his chin on your shoulder. You loved falling asleep with his arms around you; knowing you were truly safe in his presence.

"So..." Your father said sat across the table from you, a cigar held between his fingers "What did you get up to last night?" Your heart began to race again.
"Oh nothing... Just... Hung out, you know" You replied, keeping your answer as vague as possible.
"You're only 16, you shouldn't be staying out so late"
"Dad... I'm sure you were staying out at 16! I'm sure you were doing a hell of a lot worse at 16..." You wish you hadn't said this.
You really wish you hadn't said this.
"What I did or did not do at the age of 16 is non of your business" He replied, an annoyed undertone running through his voice.
"I'm sorry, dad. But, I'm a Shelby! No one in their right mind would mess with me. Not knowing you're my father!" A smile spread across his face, he was clearly pleased with himself, knowing he had the power to scare people.
"Right, i'll be going" He said, stubbing out his cigarette and getting up from the table, pulling on his coat. "I'll see you tonight, love" He planted a kiss on the top of your head, and raised his hand in farewell as he left.
You waited a few moments before you called Isaiah into the dining room, making sure your father had truly gone.
"Alright, you can come in now!" You called upstairs and you saw Isaiah appear at the top of the stairs, a towel wrapped loosely around his waist.
Why did he do this to you?
"Jesus..." You cursed under your breath as you watched him walk down the stairs, the sun casting a soft glow over his butterscotch skin.
"Come here" He said, missing the last step and pulling you into an embrace, placing kisses on your forehead, cheeks, lips.
"Will your dad come home?" He questioned, looking deep into your eyes, holding your face between his hands.
"No, no he won't be home for--"
"I forgot my--!" In through the door walked your father, his face turning from an upbeat smile into a paralyzed stare. Shock, anger, hatred taking over his features.
"Dad I..." Your eyes darted from your father to Isaiah and back again. Isaiah froze as if he was a deer in the lights of a bus. Your father on the other hand burst into screams of rage.
"How the fuck!" He yelled, pulling on your arm, tugging you away from Isaiah.
"He's 19, Y/N! That's 3 fucking years older than you!" Your cheeks flushed red and your eyes began to well with tears.
"Mr Shelby I--" Isaiah tried to bargain for his life, but you knew it was no use.
He was practically dead to you now.
"Get out" Your father calmly said, his face sneered, his breathing became heavy. "Get the fuck out of my house now!" He yelled, taking Isaiah's shoulder and throwing him out onto the street, his towel falling to his ankles.
"Dad! Dad!" You screamed, pulling on your father's coat, your face now tear stained.
He walked past you, ignoring your pleads and picked up a pack of cigarettes.
"Forgot these" He said, holding up the packet in his hand, his lips knit tightly together, jaw clenched.
"Dad I'm sorry" You begged for his forgiveness, falling to your knees, tears still streaming down your cheeks.
You watched him leave, slamming the door behind him, a few of the Shelby family pictures falling from the mantle piece in his wake.
You'd really fucked up this time.

A few hours later your father got home.
6:00 sharp.
You waited for him at the door, just like he'd done the times you'd got home late.
"How was The Garrison?" You tried to gain a conversation out of him but it was no use, he blanked you the minute he walked in.
"Dad, I'm sorry..." You pleaded again, sitting next to him at the table, pulling a cigarette from the packet for him.
He sighed and took the cigarette from you, placing it between his lips.
"No one..." He finally spoke, sucking on the end of the cigarette, letting the smoke float to the ceiling, "No one is ever going to be good enough for you"
You gulped, you could feel your heart in your throat.
"I..." You tried to speak, but you felt paralyzed under his words.
"I'm sorry for what happened this morning" He said, his eyes solemn and tearful.
You didn't know what to say.
It wasn't often John Shelby said sorry.
"I love him, dad" You finally spoke, never meeting his eyes, but keeping them trained on the glass of whiskey sat in front of him.
He nodded, flicking the loose ash from the tip of his cigarette into the ash tray next to him.
"I'll make an effort..." He mumbled, his thoughts trailing off. He lifted your chin so your eyes met his. "I'm sorry" He said again, and your eyes couldn't hold back the tears any longer. They spilled over as you pulled your father into a hug, nuzzling your face into his shoulder, sobbing into it.
"I love you dad"
"I love you too, darling. I love you too"

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