I Taught You Well | Tommy

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"I'll do it" You raised your hand slightly in the air, lifting your cigarette with it.
"No, no it's too risky for you" Tommy said, abruptly stopping your contributions to the family meeting. You rolled your eyes, sucking on the end of your cigarette, watching the smoke wisps you exhaled float to the ceiling.
You gently shook your head, chuckling to yourself slightly as Tommy began a conversation with Arthur; a conversation you didn't care for.
"Tommy!" You yelled through gritted teeth, thrusting yourself up, your hand connecting with the table.
The rest of the Shelby's looked at you; John his mouth slightly hung open; Arthur his hands clasped tightly in front of you, his eyes darting from you to Tommy and back again.
"I can do this, i'll do it" Your jaw clenched and your face went hard.
Tommy nodded, considering the complications with your request.

Tommy had always been over-protective of you. Ada, your older sister, rarely got involved in the gritty side of the Shelby family business, but you loved it. You grew up, gun in hand, just like your older brothers; and you didn't let anybody boss you around.
Just like your older brothers.

"Tommy you can't stop me" Your expression softened, leaning back into your chair. You stubbed out your cigarette, keeping your eyes focused on Tommy's.
You showed no weakness, it only made you look small and vulnerable against your hardened brother.
"I wouldn't argue with her if i were you" Arthur piped up. A smile, barely a smile, flickered on Tommy's lips and he nodded slowly.
"You can do it" He said after a while, his voice rumbling as he gave in. You bit your lip, supressing the excitement you evidently showed in your eyes.
You felt like a little girl again, being included in the 'big boy' games with your brothers.

"It'll be a quick job, in and out" Tommy spoke to only you now, ignoring the rest of the Shelby's in the smoke stained room.
"I know, Tommy. You taught me well"
He rocked back in his chair, a small pout plumping his lips.
He looked pleased with himself.
"Right! Sling your hook, all of you!" Tommy exclaimed jokingly, gesturing to the door as he lit a new cigarette.
"You won't regret this" You assured him, leaning against the doorframe.
"Oh I know" He lifted his eyes from his lighter to you and exhaled a ring of smoke.
"I taught you well" He tipped his head to you slightly, holding his cigarette up as a form of farewell.
"I taught you well"

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