Chapter 8

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Meanwhile, in the hotel, Alexia continued freaking out while both Joe and Nichole tried consoling her. Unfortunately, it wasn't solving any of her new problems.

Sydney, tired of hearing Alexia's never ending cries and frantic pacing round the room, suddenly grabbed Alexia and put her in a headlock before giving her a noogie. "Oi! snap out of it will ya?!"

"Not until I know what the hell happened to me and how exactly did this all happen!" Alexia exclaimed, pulling herself out of Sydney's grasp before rubbing at her sore head.

"Everyone just calm down. Why don't we all just try and back-track on what happened to Lexi here," Benny said before thinking through. Everyone stared at Benny, hoping that he had the answers. "Okay.....She started off normal and human....and now she's all weird and inhuman!"

Well, that sure as hell made Alexia sulk and flop flat on the bed while the others sighed in frustration. Sydney on the other-hand glared at Benny. "Ha-ha-ha, nice try pal. You now officially made her feel even worse than before!"

"Well I don't know! Neither of us were there with her so we have no idea what else she was doing besides fighting!" Benny exclaimed. "I mean, what can we do?!"

"Well there's got to be something that we can do!" Ethan said.

"Well, we could either go to the hospital or some church and get help...," Nichole began suggesting.

"No!!!" the other yelled, causing Nichole to jump.

Nichole momentarily hesitated to speak. "...Or we could try and figure out what she has become by performing some tests on her," she then finished. At that point, everyone else besides Alexia seemed to agree.

Alexia glared at her from the bed. "...Do I look like a lab-rat to ya!?"

"We're not gonna do the 'Mad-science' type tests. We're just gonna see whether or not you're still human or have become something else by looking at what else has changed...besides your appearance," Nichole explained.

"Yeah but....How do you suppose we do that?" Joe asked.

At that moment, both Benny and Ethan had a grin on their faces, their eyes glinting with mischief. "Don't worry. Leave the experimenting business to us!"

So for the whole morning, Benny and Ethan spent their time testing certain theories that could or could not explain what Alexia had become. Although, it was proving to be more difficult than they first thought.

They first tried sunlight which had no effect on her whatsoever, apart from hurting her eyes so she had to wear sunglasses during the day. Then they tried silver, and that didn't do anything. They would've tried the mirror effect, except they already knew that she could cast a reflection since they discovered her new appearance in the bathroom.

However, there were still some major possibilities that she could be a vampire. For instance, when they handed Alexia a steel bar and told her to try and bend it, she did it with ease, like as if that bar was nothing more than made of clay! Next they tried her speed by having her catch a marble shot at her with a slingshot. She caught it just before it hit her face. Then they tried garlic bread that they ordered. Not only did it make her gag due to the smell, but it caused her to pass out as well...and she was only a few feet away from them! Unfortunately it took about an hour for the others to wake her up.

Once she recovered, they tried to see if she could fly if she by having her jump off the bed....but whether she could or not was uncertain since her first try ended up with her landing flat on her face. They would've tried blood, but they were worried that she might go all loco on them.

However the biggest shock that made them question further was that when they tried holy items on Alexia, like her cross, not only did it not have any effect on her, but she reverted back to her human self! It seemed that holy things made her appear more normal. The only problem was that the sun still effect her eyes. What's more was that they still had no clue as to what she was, although it seemed as though the closest thing that she was, was a vampire.

"So....anyone got any ideas on how we should handle this?" Ethan asked, shovelling fries in his mouth. They were now in a restaurant, eating a massive lunch after having skipped breakfast due to their experimentations on their friend, which took longer than they expected.

"Well, the first thing we should do is figure out how it happened in the first place," Joe said. "Maybe a trip to the museum would be a good idea."

"Yeah, but the problem it that there will be cops all over that place. Not to mention that I still can't remember how it could've happened to me in the first place!" Alexia quietly explained, looking at Joe through her sunglasses. It seemed that although she now looked human, her eyes were still sensitive to the sun. So now she has to wear her sunglasses every morning, both indoors as well as outdoors.

"Well knowing each other as well as our history, you were probably doing something stupid," Benny said, receiving glares from everyone except Ethan, who snickered at what he said.

"Oh knock it off Benny! Not like you haven't done anything stupid," Sydney argued in her friend's defence. "In fact, half the time that's all you ever do!"

Benny glared hard at Sydney "Why I outta-!" he growled out, preparing to lunge out at Sydney, who was getting ready to attack him.

"Hey guys, cut it out will ya! People are staring at us! Besides, I'm the one with the problem here!" Alexia hissed at the two while Ethan and Joe separated them. "Now since this...'condition' doesn't appear to be noticeable, we just need to make sure to not let others be aware of it, and try and not act out of the ordinary."

"Would any of you care for some garlic bread?" a waiter came by and asked them while presenting them a basket of garlic bread.

Well, the moment the scent of garlic drifted towards Alexia, she gagged and coughed from its odour before falling backwards in her chair, passed out on the floor with her feet dangling up in the air. Everyone in the restaurant, including Joe and the others, turned to stare at the fallen girl. The people in the restaurant began feeling concerned and were asking whether she was alright or not to each other while her friends groaned, having already been through the same situation as before.

Benny and Ethan looked at one another before nodding their heads in agreement, both with the same idea on what do next. ".....Check please!"

Looks like they would have to avoid things like garlic from now on....for their friend's sake anyway.

The Belladonna (Hellsing fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora