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"thank you so much for this..."

jisung smiled at the ground, his hands intertwined with those of the boys either side of him.

after fleeing the scene they had caused at school, the trio ended up in chan's parents' basement giggling between themselves, stealing kisses and watching movies on the moth bitten couch.

"you don't need to thank us, darling,"

changbin started, his head rested on jisung's shoulder.

"we should thank you. you've brought so much more happiness and excitement into our lives."

"and now our relationship, too."

chan cut in with a playful nudge.

the youngest of the three was at a loss for words after that, so resettled into the comfortable silence he had previously broken.

their walk through the park was lovely. the sunset was beautiful, the weather just perfect. jisung couldn't have asked for anything more. not when he had his boyfriends by his side.

he made a mental note to call hyunjin at the soonest point he could, knowing that he needed to spill everything to his best friend - the pair would probably cry.

walking through the sunset between the two older boys, hands grasped together and lovesick smiles on their faces, is what jisung had wanted for a long, long time. and now he had it, he was never letting it go.

sure, things might get hard in the future. polyamory wasn't really an accepted thing. people would make comments, judge. but jisung could deal with it. the three of them could deal with it together. they would do anything for each other.

because they were in love.

and they'd protect each other forever.

the end

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