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there were many words that jisung could use to describe changbin. words of the highest affection that no one else would use to describe him - except changbin's boyfriend of course.

at least, jisung (and the rest of the student body) assumed they were boyfriends. they always held hands when they thought no one was looking, sneaking soft cheek kisses and giggling to each other while passing notes during class.

but thats off topic. the point stood that jisung was whipped.

he was whipped for changbin's cute little laugh, his sparkling eyes. whipped for his beautiful smile and voice that dripped pure honey. whipped for how dedicated he was to his music, and how talented he was. he was hopelessly in love with changbin's constant desire to be the cutest baby known to man. there wasn't one thing about seo changbin that jisung didn't like.

he even liked changbin's boyfriend.

bang chan was a perfect specimen in jisung's eyes. he loved hearing chan speak english, it gave him chills and made him all warm and shy inside. he adored the way chan's dimple appeared so suddenly when changbin said something to amuse him. he craved to be the reason behind the gorgeous smile and melodic laugh that chan owned. he couldn't help but want to be wrapped in the arms of the two boys all the time.

jisung knew he was polyamorous, of course. he knew it from the day he met changbin and chan.

he'd already established he was gay a year previous (thank you senior and student council leader kim woojin), but he fell for his math class seatmates so quick he nearly got whiplash, not that he was complaining about it.

he couldn't say he minded at all, but it was getting increasingly hard to hide it from people around him. the only person who even had an inkling of an idea was his best friend, hwang hyunjin.

hyunjin, while not exactly grasping the concept of polyamory, did his best to understand for jisung's sake. he spent many hours online with his boyfriend, our lovely senior woojin, searching about polyamory so jisung didn't feel alone and misunderstood. he was just that kind of friend. he'd do anything for jisung, and it was a great opportunity to learn more about people's interests.

and jisung really did appreciate hyunjin's actions. it made him feel a lot more comfortable in himself, able to freely express his emotions. and of course, jisung made sure to emphasise his thankfulness on the daily. usually through the practice of buying hyunjin food and got7 merch, because jisung was by no means any good at conveying his emotions normally.

both jisung, himself, and hyunjin hoped that someday, somehow jisung would be able to talk to changbin and chan without freaking out. hyunjin thought that if he tried, his best friend could really have a chance. jisung hoped for the same thing. but he was shy about his feelings - so he stayed quietly admiring the boyfriends whom he sat next to in his stupid math class.

and little did he know, just maybe the boyfriends admired him too...

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