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jisung wished he wasn't a coward. he wished he could have given changbin the note in person, and stuck around to see his and chan's reactions. but he was indeed a coward, and that was what stopped him. instead, he stood at his locker, slowly putting his books back and getting ready for the long walk home alone.

deep down, he was hoping for chan and changbin to run around to corner looking for him, but he knew it was stupid to get his own hopes up like that. so he set his mind on worse-case scenario.

that was until he heard footsteps running down the corridor. the yells of students being pushed out the way filled his ears, and jisung turned around to see the distruption.

but he never got to.

because the next thing he knew, was lips pressed against his, and soft hands cupping his cheeks.

he should have been scared, surprised at least, but the comforting scent of laundry detergent and cinnamon filled his nose - changbin. and so he couldn't stop himself from kissing back.

this was it. he was kissing changbin. in school. in front of everyone. and it wasn't scaring him.

until changbin was pulled away and jisung's blurry eyes opened enough to see chan come forward and press kisses all over him.

his cheeks, his forehead, his nose, his lips.

the ringing in his ears and blurriness of his eyes didn't stop jisung from trying to let out gasped responses, his mind flooding with millions of emotions.

"jisung," chan started. "we'd be mad not to feel the same."

changbin smiled with a nod, wholeheartedly agreeing with the words that left chan's lips.

"of course we do, i thought we made it too obvious!"

breaking point. jisung couldn't believe the words he was hearing. it was a dream come true and more and the tears he was holding back began rolling down his cheeks.

"guys... i-i don't know what to say.."

jisung stuttered out, furiously wiping at his face while his eyes fluttered between the two boys in front of him.

chan pressed a loving kiss to jisung's lips, a gorgeous smile gracing his features, as changbin wrapped the younger boy in a hug.

"you don't have say anything, sweetheart. everything we needed to see or hear is right here."

it was absolutely undeniable. han jisung was in love.

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