The One With The Pregnant (Alternative) part 2

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An: This is the continuation of the last chapter.

Throughout the week, The husband and wife are looking for orphanage. Since deciding that they want to adopt, Pierce feels the that Meryl's Mom side is growing every day. His, he knows he will grow his own when the kids arrived, but Meryl? He can feel that she is  already a mother.

They found a orphanage. Its called Little Scribbles orphanage. There are so many requirements to adopt a child. There will be someone who is inspecting their home, someone will check their salary, work and anything about their financial status. And Colin say that it will help there more if some parent will sent the orphanage a recommendation letter. Written by a parent who knows them.

In the apartment building, Meryl and Pierce are in the apartment number 0020 and Colin and Stellan are in the apartment number 0021 while Julie and Christine are in the apartment building in front if their, living with each other.

Since Colin is a parent , Meryl and Pierce decided that Colin should write the letter of recommendation. Lucky for them, Colin wants to write too.

Colin had sent the letter yesterday. Simultaneously as Pierce and Meryl sent the application of adopting a child. They are just waiting for the approval of the Little Scribble orphanage.

Well, they have a stable financial status. Meryl is well payed at being extra on tv and theater and Pierce too as extra or stunt double on movie. They are not famous yet...

After 3 days of waiting of approval, they received a letter. Saying that they are approved of adopting a child. The child is still unborn, still on her/his mother's womb so Meryl and Pierce have to visit her in the Little Scribble orphanage. But the mother is going to pick a files, of which she thinks her child is deserving to be. Of course, there tons of like them, wanting to have a child so they want to adopt. So it doesn't means that their application was approved, they can adopt a child easily.

1 week after, they received a call. Saying that a mother picked their file, that they have to meet them personally so they can get to know each other. Meryl and Pierce will visit her tomorrow.

Today is the day! Its the adoption interview between the carrier of the baby and the soon to be parent of the baby.

They are on the car, on the way to the building of the orphanage.

"She liked our file, will she like us, us?" Meryl asked, holding Pierce's hand on the gear shift.

"Oh, come on, she's going to love you." Pierce said, not fulling of himself but fulling about his wife. Its Meryl Streep for God's sake!

"But lets not get out hopes up babe, who knows what can happen?" Meryl said, smiled when Pierce kisses her hand, but still focusing on the road.

Of course they have to, what is the birth mother changes her mind? Liked another couple? Or God knows what reason it can be.

They finally arrived, walking hand in hand inside the building.

Meryl and Pierce opened the door where are the staff of the said orphanage and the possibly mother of their child.

They stepped in, close the door behind them and walk towards them while the staff named Mark (Pierce's reads it)

"Please make yourself comfortable." Mark says, motioning the sofa as he said that. "I'll be back with Brianna (the birth mother) in a moment." He says and let himself out of the room.

Meryl and Pierce sat on the sofa, hand on hand. Their hearts are pumping like crazy, they are nervous.

"We're going to be great." Meryl convinced Pierce, no, she convinced herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2019 ⏰

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