The One With The Pregnant (Alternative) part 1

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Meryl and Pierce are married for 2 years and trying to have a baby since their wedding night. They are aspiring to be actors/actress, they are taking small roles and small commercials and they are not so famous yet.

Every time Meryl is ovulating, the both of them will just stop whatever they are doing to have sex. Every time and everywhere they are doing that.

Meryl tried a bunch of home pregnancy tests but none of those said that they are pregnant.

It is already night and the husband and wife is ready to sleep, Pierce is starting to kiss Meryl's exposed shoulder.

"We can't." Meryl whispered, trying her best not to fall for his butterfly kisses. "We have to do that fertility test tomorrow and you have to keep your seed inside." Meryl said and Pierce lift his head and looked at her.

"Wow, it sounds so romantic." Pierce sarcastically said. Yes, they have to go to the fertility center. That's what is everyone is suggesting because its been 2 years since they are trying to conceive and nothing really is happening.

"Do we really have to do that fertility test?" Pierce ask hesitated, is not a good idea for him, he thinks nothing is wrong with them.

"Yes, we've been trying to have a baby for 2 years. I think its a good idea to do this, its just a just a few routine test." Meryl explains to him.

"But I don't want to do it in a cup." Pierce admitted and lies down beside Meryl.

"What is the big deal?" Meryl asks him and chuckles, she cuddled closer to him.

"Its weird. You are in a doctor's office and you're getting off?" Pierce says and sighs.

"Its weird to a doctor's office but you are initiating sex in a back car seat in the wendy's parking lot?" Meryl asks him.

Pierce chuckles, "Okay, Doctor's office might not be weird but you're dragging me to a girl's restroom in a club?" Pierce defended himself. And they both laugh.

"Look, I don't want to do this either, I just thought it will be a good idea." Meryl said, holding Pierce's left cheek.

"Okay, you know the best." Pierce says and kissed her forehead. "Let's sleep." He said and they both sleep.

Tomorrow morning, in the fertility center.

They are sitting in the sofa in the waiting area, waiting for their turn. There are a lot of people who is having the same test as they are.

There's a middle aged nurse walks up to them, Pierce stands up. "Mr. Brosnan, Here you are. You are going to that room" she said pointing a room. "And put your specimen here." She continued handing him a small cup with a lid.

"Thank you ma'am." Pierce said and the nurse leave. Meryl stands too because she is being called.

"We can do this, I love you." Meryl said and kisses his lips.

"I have to go, I have a hot date." Pierce said, pointing the cup to Meryl. Meryl just laughed at him.

"I really want to give you a hand but I have a test that is in down in the hall." Meryl whispered seductively.

"Okay I want to kidnap you now." Pierce jokes and they both laugh. "I love you too." He responded and they separated ways.

A couple of weeks have past after the test, they are now waiting for the result. Pierce is sitting on their sofa and reading a book and Meryl is buying a food for them.

And the telephone rings.

"Hello?" Pierce answered.

"Hello, Mr. Brosnan. It's Dr. Parker from the fertility clinic." The other line answered.

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