A Maid's Kiss

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Chapter One:

Why Work?

My name is Minami Shiro, maid of the *high-pitched girl voice* "ever so great, Kazuki Kaito!" as the fan-girls recall. It's become a new tradition for the Shiro family to work for the Kaito family, so it is as my parents recall, "MY TIME TO SHINE~" Pah-lease! Kazuki ain't no softy once you start workin' for him! He'll always have orders like "Make my bath!" or "Wash my back thoroughly!" and stupid orders like that! Why work for such an impudent guy?! Such a man shouldn't even exist if you ask me! Haha, worst thing of all, I'm his one and only maid! At first I was like this ---> ಠ_ಠ now I feel like this sometimes ---->                                           (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ 

I have green long hair, some people say I look like Hatsune Miku! So, sometimes I hold a leek in my hand every once in a while, but one thing you should know about me is that I DON'T SING! Like I'm gonna sing 'World Is Mine" by Hatsune Miku just 'cause I look like her! Sorry bud, but I ain't no singer! 

Kazuki has nice blue-ish hair, so he can attract da laidies pretty easily! But despite his "gorgeous" hair, he also had a nice body figure (yo..don't look at me like that! =_=) and a nice face~And no, I ain't a fan-girl! I have to say this since it's the truth and it's like Maid/Butler code to never lie to your master and to never MAKE lies about your master either! Kazuki and I are both 17 years old, and we both hate each other! ಠ_ಠ *evil glare* 

"Okay! Minami on a scale from like 1 to 10 how HAWT do you think Kazuki is?" asked one of my friends, Rin Karu. "I rate him 10! But without the 1! =_='" I replied. "Minami!! You so don't know how lucky your are just to be his maid!!" argued Rin. I stated out sarcastically "Oh yeah~ I just LOVE working for a jerk who orders me around every second of the day at school and at home!" Rin glared at me as if she was now judging me by appearance..."Maybe if you were a little happier and you didn't slouch as much, maybe he would treat you nicely! Or if you tried posing cutely every now and then!" Gosh, my life SUCKS...

At Kazuki's personal house (he and I live in the same house alone...SAVE ME!!!!) I kept being ordered around by Kazuki. "You've worked enough, go to sleep!" ordered Kazuki. "Ah, finally!!!" I shouted in such relief as I walked to my room. As soon as I sat on my bed, CRASH! MY BED COLLAPSED!!! "Augh! Your bed's ruined!! What'd you do to it?!" exclaimed Kazuki. "I DIDN'T DO A SINGLE FREAKY THING!!!!!" I replied. "We have no other beds in the house! Meaning you have to sleep with ME?! *sarcastic voice* Just great..." My eyes widened and I shouted back "N-NO! I'LL JUST SLEEP ON THE FLOOR! IT'S OKAY! I DON'T WANNA SLEEP WITH YOU!!" "No, if you sleep on the floor, your back'll hurt and you won't be able to work for me as well! Besides, what is rule number 22 in the Maid and Butler code?!" "Ugh, Rule 22 of Maid/Butler Code: Every maid and or butler must do as their masters say." I said sadly...Kazuki nodded with a smirk...That night I slept with my master...(I TOLD YOU GUYS TO SAVE ME!!! WHY MUST I BE TREATED THIS WAY?!) Yet, his bed is honestly really warm and comfortable... :P

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