Chapter 6

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I walked in direction to the door where an old lady waited. She smiled and came to meet me. "You must be Avery. I'm Marie, the owner of this apartment. You're going to stay three months, right?"

"Yes, is there anything I need to know about the apartment?" "Well some kind of rules, like everywhere. From 23 to 7 in the morning is nightcalm. No loud Music, no bis Parties. When you go down the boulevard there's a Target. You get there anything you need. The car your parents borrowed is in the Garage. Drive carefully, have fun and when you have a question just call me." She handled me a piece of paper with her number on it and the key for my new place. Here in Sydney all people are so nice. They offer you help even if you're a stranger. I hope this prejudice stays.

"Thank you very much Miss. Have a nice day." I mumbled

I opened the door and my eyes widened. This apartment was so big. A big kitchen, a living room which was equipped with a flatscreen, a PlayStation, different games and a big couch. I had two sleeping rooms each with a big bed and a TV. The bathroom fitted to the rest of the apartment a shower with some cool lighters and a corner bath. I went to the balcony and this exceeded everything: a hot tub. I always wanted to bath in a hot tub.

Everything in here is so beautiful and I am so thankful my parents made this possible that I could live this life everyone would be jealous of. Even if it's just three months. The three best months of my life.

I called my mom to tell her how beautiful everything was. After this call I went to the kitchen because I was hungry. Luckily Marie went to get some groceries before, the fridge was filled with a lot of food, a lot new food I've never heard of, but everything looked so tasty. I decided to make myself a pizza. I know it's not creative, but I'm hungry and tired so I'm not able to cook something.

After eating my pizza I took a shower and relaxed in the living room. I turned the Tv on but I felt myself falling asleep. I woke up by a loud noise coming from the outside, I don't know what it was, but it was loud. I looked at my phone and realised it was 8 am.

Shit I slept the whole day and the whole night, time to get up and make something meaningful. I decided to jog a bit to become acquainted with the Sydney. I ran for nearly two hours because I didn't want to stop, everything was so magic and had an attractive effect on me. After my little tour I took a shower and went to the beach which was like 300 metres away. I laid down and tanned for a while. Everyone looks so brown, so I have to work in myself to fit into this society. After many hours bronzing and splashing in the ocean I decided to go back home, lastly I have to prepare myself for this date with Luke.

What if he's not there, what if he was just joking, maybe I shouldn't go there before making myself ridiculous.. 1000 sceneries playing in my head, everyone ended the same. I arrive at the bar and there's no Luke.

why am I always so sceptical, can't I just enjoy something for one moment? Damn it Ava. Go there and when Luke's not there you can just listen to some bands my head told me. Ok Ava, now turn off the negative thoughts and dress a little bit up, it's time, I whispered to myself.

It was warm, but nights in Sydney are colder so I decided to wear a pair of skinny black jeans, which are rolled up a bit, a white tshirt with a skull on it and some black vans. Today was the day I could use some make up. It was the first time since I neglected myself so much. I wasn't unhygienic , I washed myself for sure, but I didn't wore make up, or dressed up or did something with my hair. Today was different, I felt good and wanted to be a bit prettier, so I took a big make up kid from my suitcase that I would use for the first time. I had a lot of fun putting mascara, eyeliner, applying eyeshadow for a smoky eyes look and soft blush to emphasise my cheekbones. I curled my hair and fixed it with hairspray. It was nearly 8, I have to go. Let this evening begin.

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