Chapter 5

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"Mom where is my phone? And my black hat? And where did you put my identity card? MOOOOOM!" I screamed as loud as I could. Today was the day, the day I've waited so long for. Today everything's going to be different because I am going to live my dream-Sydney. I was so excited and packed everything just two days ago, but there were still things on my what-I-have-to-take-list and it bothers me that I couldn't find them. I'm such a messy person, without the through view from my mom I would be lost. Definitely lost.

"Honey your hat is in your suitcase. Your phone is in your handbag like your identity card in your purse that is in your handbag too. I put your tickets likewise in your handbag. Everything's going to be okey, just calm down. We're leaving in ten minutes. Make sure you got everything."

I went to my room, it was quite empty cause I took everything, even if it's just for three months. I also went to the bathroom and checked if everything's empty. After that I went downstairs and sat on the couch just to relax for a moment.

Because Jack has to go the the school and dad has to work we said goodbye yesterday. I cried at night because I miss Jack. It's childish, I know but I miss him even if he is just going to school for hours.

"You ready?" My mom asked me. "Sure, let's go."

We headed to our car and while the drive we were quiet. I don't know why but none of us was talking, a little bit strange because my mother always talks that much that after ten minutes your ears are bleeding and your head explodes by virtue of to many information.

We arrived at the airport, I took my suitcase and my handbag and my mom accompanied to the gate.

"Avery? Wait please." "Yes mom, what happened?" I started to worry, my mom sounded very upset. "Can you promise something?" "Sure mom, everything you want, but stop crying you make my farewell harder as it is." She handled me a bracelet with four charms. A football, the letter J, a small heart and a little penguin with a crown. "Mom this is so pretty, what gives me the honour?" "Avery, you are my little penguin princess and you always will be. These charms will accompany you on your way. They represent the this that are important to you. The football stands for your biggest hobby. I know it is, you can't deny it. Everytime you see a match on tv, or you hear Jack talking about football you have those happy eyes. I hope you can distract yourself with football in Sydney, I bought you a ticket to the football match next week I hope you enjoy it. The letter J stands for Jack. I know you love him more than everything. The heart was cute and I thought it looks good with all the charms. It stands for the love your dad and I want to give you. Promise me that you are going to have fun, and promise that you are coming back and not staying there. Please promise it." I heard the disappointment in her voice. "Oh mom that is so cute. I love the bracelet. And I promise it with my whole heart I will come back." We hugged and she kissed me many times on my cheek. Why is she afraid that I'm not coming back, there would be no possibility to stay there I think.

"I have to go, I don't want to miss the flight. I love you. Say hi to Jack and tell him I love him." "Goodbye my love, have fun!"

I walked down the long hall and followed the arrow: Gate B flight 7 to Sydney.

I am nervous, but excited to start a new chapter in my life. Now there's no return, Sydney I'm coming.

I passed the gate with no complication and one tall air hostess with brown long hair showed me the way into the airplane. I always compare myself to other women. I don't know why, but I do it everytime I see pretty women. She was the complete opposite of me. I am a short girl, a couple kilo too much, blond hair and well my style, if you could call it style, is very unremarkable. She radiate so much self confidence , much more that I ever had. She would be the type of women every man would love, respect and be proud of her. Well I have so much self-pity it hurts and sometimes it's only funny because nobody makes so much fun of himself like I do. I don't even know why I'm doing this, it's just me.


"Good morning. Here speaks your captain. We will land in 30 minutes probably. The entire crew hopes you all had a comfortable flight. Please strap on with the belt next to you, to have a save flight until the end. We thank you for your attention and wish you the best here in Sydney."

Wow, in 30 minutes I will be there, I am so excited. I look outside the window and see a wonderful sunrise. I think I will have a great time.

As the plane landed and I went to pick up my suitcase and I ordered a cab to my apartment.

"You are alone here in Sydney, or do you visit your boyfriend? He will be happy to see you again. By the way you look very g-" "I am alone here. And I don't have a boyfriend." I answered the cab driver. He was trying to be nice and I just messed it up like always. Why do I have to be always that grumpy when someone tries to compliment me. "I'm sorry I am just tired don't wanted to be silly." "It's okay" he answered very nicely. "Can I give you some tips ma'am?" "Yeah sure." "Near your Apartment is a great bar, you can listen to music, sometimes some bands are playing there, and every Monday and Wednesday is karaoke night. I'm there very often, so it would be nice to see you again." "Well I don't usually go in clubs, or bars but u think I can manage it to be there tomorrow." I smiled as we arrived at the apartment. I remember it from the pictures but in reality it is bigger and prettier. "So how much do I have to pay?" I asked shyly. "Go on a date with me, that would be great. See you tomorrow at the Irish pub?" "Oh okey, yeah, see you there at 8?" "What's your name?" "My name is Avery, but you can call me Ava. And you?" "My name is Luke. See you tomorrow Ava."

I jumped out of the cab, Luke helped me with my suitcase and smiled as he drove away.

Wow this is my first day, and I got a date with a boy. I like this city already. This is going to be the life, I always wanted.

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