Chapter 4

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"Um.. Hi.. Ehmmm I-I just wanted to support Ja-Jack, it's an-an-an important match.." I stuttered. I feel myself blushing, heart beats faster than usual, and my knees get weaker. It feels like my whole power, all my bones and muscles collapse. I want to leave. Leave this place as fast as I can, but I can't move. Everything is freezed. Why am I so stupid? I knew he would be here. He works here. He was always here. David.

"It's been a long time since I saw you the last time Ava. How long? 1 year?" He smirked in a nauseating way. His smile is disgusting. "Yes. 1 year. I just came to support Jack and his boys, don't want to talk or do whatever with you. Can you please leave, please David." I begged. I hate this person so much, but I am afraid of him, so I beg him with all my energy to go. I'm kinda proud, I never talked so much with him. Maybe he gets angry again. Shit Ava, why can't you just shut the fuck up.

"Okey, see you Avery, you got my number, call me once." He said as he turned away and walked to the referee. Wow he seemed calm. The first time I saw him that way. Maybe because the field is filled with people who could say something. Maybe he changed. No impossible, never, this person could never change. I mean he could do everything here, the football club belongs to him, so he can do everything and never gets in trouble. Well anyway, I came here to support Jack. I have to, I promised him. And I promised it to myself.

"RUN JACK RUN" I screamed as loud as a could. "YEAAAAAAH GOAL " It was Jacks fifth goal. He's so good, like his father. I am so proud. I remember the time we practised outside and prepared for a big match, his first. He was five years old and cried because he thought he is a looser. My dad had a long conversation with him and I showed him ho to score and that was his first goal. He had this smile I will never forget. And know he is the captain of his team, and the best. He was scouted two years ago and so he gets 2 times a week an extra training with other good kids. After 90 minutes the games was over, they won, what is regular. I want the time back when I was part of the team. Yeah, I was, that is past. I have to forget the past.

"Ava you saw my goals? That one was with my knee, it was not planned bu-" "yeah Jack, I am so proud. I really miss the time as I could watch every game. You all did a great job!" "Then come back. Join the team, the boys would appreciate it, we love and miss you all. Please Ava." "Jack it's not that easy, please just be quiet, I don't want to hear one word about this topic. It's over Jack, I am never coming back." Jacks glance became cold. He was quiet and a little bit sad I think. His glances are so hard to indicate.

"Mom ? Dad? We're home! I go upstairs okey? I am tired and want to relax a bit. Anyways I have to apply for some jobs." "Jobs? What kind of jobs Avery? It's okey, go upstairs, but don't forget to dress up for today. At 8 we got a table at Nandos. Pre-birthday dinner" "Mom just some types of beside jobs. Nothing special. Yeah I will be ready"


"What you are going to wear? A nice dress, some skinny jeans and a crop top or your pink shirt?" Lauren squeaked through the phone. "I think I wear blue jeans and a normal white t-shirt. It's just Nandos." "Yeah but it's a dinner with your family, so wear something nice please. Just for the dinner Ava." "Okey. Lauren sorry I have to quit, have to take a shower, see you." I put the phone next to me and went to my wardrobe. Lauren is right. Just for one evening. I took some skinny white jeans and my black shirt. I decided to wear my black high heels. The last time I wore them was my 18. Birthday. I wore a light make up and made my way downstairs. My parents waited for me and we left. I don't know why, but this evening could be a good one. Something great will happen. I know this.

As we reached the Nandos I saw my family inside. I love Nandos and I think it's very cool they booked a table here, not in a burgeois Italian restaurant. We went inside and my grandma was the first who said hello. "Happy birthday my little sunshine. You are so old no-" "Granny. My birthday is tomorrow, but thanks anyways" I laughed and welcomed the other members of my small family.

We ate, drank and laughed a lot. It's different from other meetings. Usually everyone is fighting and arguing but not today.

We all went home it's nearly 12 very late, I am tired and got headache. The evening was quite nice, I knew it would be good. But for now, I need my bed. I jumped out the car, opened the door.

"SURPRISE!" All of the people who waited in the living room screamed. They sang happy birthday and the 20 people congratulated. I was happy, I didn't knew I know so many people and that so many people thought of me, I feel loved. I knew this evening would be great. It couldn't be better. I got my friends and family with me and my favourite DJ played a couple songs in MY living room. It's an amazing feeling.

"Present time !!!!" I heard a drunken Lauren screaming. "Open mine first!!" "Okey Lauren. Wow it's a big box." I opened the present where a lot of pink ribbons. I was surprised as a saw the content..

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