Chapter 9

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You slowly opened your eyes, your head felt as if someone was pounding it with a hammer.

You blinked a few times and rubbed your eyes as you lifted up your head to look at your surroundings.

The room around you looked decayed and old, the only thing keeping the room lit was a broken, flickering light on the ceiling. There was papers and crayons all over the floor, everything had some sort of disturbing vibe to it.

You looked down at yourself, you were laying down in a bed. The sheets had some weird black stains scattered all over the sheets. You looked to your right to see "get better soon!" Written messily on the wall in red crayon.

"Where am I? I don't remember coming into this place..." you mumbled as you rubbed your head.

You tried to remember how you got here when suddenly you heard a sound coming from outside of the room.

You flinched, your eyes widened a bit as you heard echoing footsteps getting closer and closer to your room, just as you thought someone was gonna open the door the footsteps stopped as if it were waiting for something.

You stared at the old door, waiting for someone to walk into the room but nothing happened. You had the urge to call out who was there but you held back.

Just as you were about to say something the door flung open, dust flying up into the air as the door hit the wall from the force.

You let out a yelp and hid your face and body under the covers of the bed. You shut your eyes tightly as you heard the footsteps approaching your bed slowly.

You felt a hand gently lift up the sheets off of you and softly ruffled your fur.

"Hee hoo! Don't be afraid, it is I, the one and only Mystery!" The voice shouted over you.

"Hee hoo?" You thought as you remembered something similar. You opened one eye to look at whoever was looming over you.

"Mystery!?" You shot up like a rocket to face mystery who was smiling ear to ear.

"Yuppie! It's me, dr.Mystery!" Mystery shouted as he gave you a tight hug.

Still confused you let mystery hug you since you missed him a lot. His fur was surprisingly soft and fluffy.

Slowly, you started to remember why you came here, and what happened before you ended up in the hospital with mystery.

You let go of mystery.

"Mystery...did you bring me here?" You said said in a confused tone.

"Well, I had to since you were lying on the ground all wet and under a tree!" Mystery said with a bright smile.

Under a tree? What the heck was I doing under a tree? Still you couldn't bring yourself to remember everything that happened.

"Hey Mystery? Did you go into my house and leave a note on my fridge?" You questioned him, remembering the reason you came here in the first place.

Mystery looked a bit guilty.

"I um- mystery really liked having new friends around so I decided to follow you back home, I didn't want to scare you so I left a note so you can come see me again!" Mystery said smiling nervously.

"Hmm, how the heck did you get in then?" You said. You remembered that you locked all your doors and windows before you left the house.

"Oh! I slipped under the door!" He said innocently, as if it were something normal.

"Oh um that's great, just great mystery." You muttered.

"Anyways, lets go have some fun!" Mystery shouted as he grabbed your hand and pulled you to the door.

"Wait! I still have some more questions I need to ask you!" You shouted as you were literally getting dragged across the floor towards the door.

"We can do that later! Mystery wants to play!" Mystery shouted as he ran to the door still dragging you.

Godamn he has a pretty strong grip considering his size. Oh well I guess I'll play with him and then ask questions later....

Oka here it is I was on vacation lol

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2019 ⏰

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