Chapter 2

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As you pushed the decayed doors of the hospital open. A loud creak was sounded. Kao jumped a bit from the noise.

You and Alfred ran into the hospital, ready to explore, but Kao slowly trailed behind you.

Inside was a large room. The paint on the walls were peeled and stained with some unknown liquid. There was papers lying in a corner and broken parts of what seemed to be a desk scattered all over the floor.

"Woah...this looks like it's been here for a hundred years!" Kao exclaimed as he touched the walls cautiously.

You took out your flashlight out of your bag and turned it on. You waved your flashlight around to find something interesting, and you did.

A crumbled paper was laying on the floor with some weird blackish stain on it. You decided to check it out.

You picked up the paper and begin to uncrumble it. It was a doodle of a man with scribbles for a head.

"Alfred! Come look at-" you saw Alfred holding a paper too.

You walked over to him and looked over his shoulder. It was a doodle of a dying flowers labeled " mommy " in messy writing.

"Oh! Y/n! Look what I-" Alfred looked at the paper clutched in your paws.

"Stranger...mommy...what does that mean?" Alfred said rubbing his chin.

"I don't know...maybe some traveler left them here just to spook us." You said as Kao walked up to you.

"What did y'all find?" Kao asked as he looked at the papers in your and Alfred's paws.

"What's that?" Kao asked innocently and tugged on the paper in your paw.

"I'm not sure what they mean but it's some sort of doodle." You said as you showed Kao the crumpled paper.

Kao looked a bit disturbed and stepped back away from the drawing as if it were haunted.

"T-that's creepy. I'm going to look at the wall or something." Kao said as he walked away, clearly scared of the drawing.

You let the paper slip out of your paws and fall to the floor. You sighed and kept panning the camera around the room, talking about how rare this was.

You, Alfred and Kao explored more of the hospital. You went through hallways, rooms, and more of those strange doodles.

You decided to take a small break.

"Well, I'm a bit tired now to be honest. Imma take a break." You said leaning against the moss covered wall.

"Tired already?" Alfred asked with a smug face.

"I'm taking in the surroundings of this place." You said even though you were a bit tired.

"Well while you "take in the surroundings" me and Kao are going to explore those rooms in the hallways, k?" Alfred optimistically.

"Sure, here take the camera." You handed the camera to Alfred.

"Well, guess we'll explore those creepy, old rooms now, Al." Kao said timidly looking down at the empty hallway.

"Cmon Kao! Let's go!" Alfred shouted taking Kao's hand and running into the unknown.

You sighed and took out your phone. Your ex left 15 unread messages and 3 missed calls.

"When will (he/she) ever get that I'm not interested anymore?" You hissed under your breath.

You put your phone away in your bag and scanned the room. Old, dirty, and... smelly? There was something in the air that smelled metallic.

You suddenly jumped as you heard a high pitched scream come from one of the rooms in the hallway. Heart pounding, you ran to find were Alfred and Kao had went.

As you trying to find which room Alfred and Kao had went, you slammed straight into Alfred.

"Alfred! Were's Kao!?" You said dazed in all the commotion.

"He's in that room!" Alfred shouted and pointed to a door at the end of the hallway.

You and Alfred slammed the door open to find Kao curled up in a ball, trembling.

"Kao! Kao! Are you alright?!" You shouted picking Kao up.

"I'm s-sorry! I-i didn't mean to scare you guys! It's just that... thing surprised me." Kao pointed at a doll dressed up in a suit and wearing a top hat.

"Really Kao?" Alfred said annoyed.

You put Kao down, and looked at the strange doll. On the doll was a note that said " don't touch! " in really bad handwriting.

You took a deep breath and noticed that behind the doll was a series of doodles that were labeled.

"What is this?" You murmured.

"Alfred? Were's he camera? The people need to see this!" You realized all he views you could get.

"Ah, yeah I'll get it." Alfred started to walk out of he room but froze.

A tall dark figure blocked the doorway.

"Hoo...I don't think anyone will see this~"

Oof sorry this was supposed to come out like yesterday but I caught the flu so ya.... updates might be a tad slowwww

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