Chapter 4

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"Hoo! Hoo! That's a pretty picture!" Mystery said as he looked at your drawing. It was a furry.

"Heh, thanks Mystery!" You gave him a smile.

Suddenly mystery started to gag and choke.

"Mystery!!" You yelled as you patted his back, trying to get mystery to stop choking.

Mystery pushed you away and vomited on the floor. His vomit was a blackish purple as well as his gums and tongue.

You gasped not knowing what to do. Alfred stared at mystery coldly as Kao scurried away from mystery.

"Mystery?! Are you okay?" Kao said worriedly as he slowly walked towards mystery who was still on he ground.

"Ugh...don't worry about me! I'm fine... I just ate a bad um, cupcake! Yeah a bad cupcake!" Mystery panted while wiping some of the vomit of his face with a nearby rag.

"Are you sure? That didn't look normal...why was it black?" Kao said uneasy.

"Because the cupcake was black too! Man I should of never ate that cupcake" mystery stood up and stretched his arms.

"Mystery... you sure you don't need any help?" You said timidly.

"Help? Me? Hoo! No I'm fine, I'm just fine here!" Mystery reassured you.

You looked at Kao and Alfred uneasily. Mystery did look very unhealthy, and living in this dump? No possible way he had no problems.

"Ummm... are you really really sure?" Kao asked mystery.

"I'm really really sure! Don't worry about silly old me!" Mystery looked at you with his big puppy eyes.

Ah man he's so...cute? I can't believe this...

"Hey it's time to go now! We have things to do!" Alfred pulled you away from mystery.

"What?! Now?" Kao whined and stomped his feet.

"Yes. Now!" Alfred shouted a bit.

"Well shall mystery lead you out?" Mystery asked standing on his tippy toes.

"Yeah. That'd be nice!" You said with a sad tone in your voice. You felt sad that you were going to leave Mystery alone.

Mystery seemed to notice your tone.

"Hey! Don't be sad!" Mystery said and gave you a big cuddly hug.

Alfred's mouth dropped opened in disgust while Kao simply "awed"

"Okay now let's go!" Mystery said as he finished the hug with a cuddle.

You walked besides mystery as he lead you out of they hospital. You guys then came across a rusty old door.

"Well this is it!" Mystery opened the door. "Bye bye!"

"Bye Mystery!" Kao waved as he walked out of the door.

Alfred walked quickly past mystery and out of the door. you looked into mystery's eyes. His lovely eyes...

"Don't worry bout me sugar! I'm going to be fine!" Mystery gave you one last hug.

"I'm going to miss you, Mystery..." you said sadly.

"Me too"


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