Teenage superheros part 3 of chapter 2 and start of chapter 3

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Looking back I can’t really believe how ignorant I was went it came to my abilities. I guess it’s because I could manipulate flames like that my whole life and also because of the fact that I had never seen or heard about the finer points of fire manipulation.

It was the same sort of thing with me and Zack’s ‘talking-without-talking’ thing. We had never known anything else so we didn’t think it was strange. You must be thinking “how stupid are they? Of course talking to someone in your head is strange!” but for us it wasn’t. It was like we were little kids that don’t know what oxygen is. We know it’s there and we know you need to breath and for the moment that’s enough. You don’t even think to ask questions. It’s just a fact of life that we had long ago accepted.

Now I know that it’s not just a fact of life, well not for everyone, and I probably should have been asking questions but that’s the wisdom of hindsight.

Sometimes I want to go back to that blissful ignorance where everything was easy but that’s not possible and we all have to take what’s given to us.


Chapter 3


Now: Mia’s like the sister I never had. Well actually I do have a sister but I don’t love her as much as I do Mia.

Yeah, I know, that sounds really bad but it’s not like I hate Mels, it’s just that we’re not that close. I mean, it’s hard to be close to be close to someone who’s ten years older then you, has been living in another country for the last five years and is really, really interested in the latest fashion and hairstyles.

Nah, Mels is more like a love, very much respected cousin to me. Besides, when you spend half your life in another person’s head some sort of bond in bound to form. In this case it’s a brother-sister bond. It’s too bad Mels and my parents have no it idea that I have that sort of relationship with someone, let alone that someone being Mia.

I used to talk about her a lot when I was younger to my family but since they have never met her they thought that she was just my imaginary friend or something along those lines. They let me keep on thinking up imaginary situations and conversations so long as I was happy. They assumed I made her up because I didn’t have any good friends but what they didn’t relies was that I didn’t have any good friends because I had Mia.

As I got older I guess my parents got worried because I never stopped believing Mia was real and I appeared that I wouldn’t just grow out of it. When I turned twelve my parents started taking me to a doctor that specialized in “physiological problems in children”. In other words they started taking me to a shrink.


so this has taken a long long time =) i was re-reading the comments that i got ages ago and it inspired me to write up this and post it 



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2010 ⏰

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