Teenage superheros

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YAY ! MY FIRST STORY ON WATTPAD!!! GO TEAM!!! im a bit excited as you can see =) i love this story but the prolouge is a bit boring but do me a fav and keep reading =)

Brydie =)  



It was the year 2074, the year that changed the world. A company, called Interprobe, responsible for the centuries top technological advances developed a miracle cure that would stop all childhood diseases. By that time medicine was advanced but the cure left all other cures behind. It was because that the cure didn't just cure the diseases it stopped them form ever occurring in the first place. It boosted the immune system so much that there was no need for a second or third line of defense. The body was so protected from bacteria that it never even got passed the skin. The 'cure' enabled the body to cope extremely well with the fact that there were no bacteria in the body because the 'cure' itself was bacteria. One, whose structure had been butchered, rebuilt and added to so many times that it was barely recognizable anymore.

The way it worked was that a woman who was pregnant with the child she wished to cure took a single pill and the child was cured. It was simple and guarantied the cure of a range of childhood diseases. It even worked while in the womb.

Interprobe tested the 'cure' over and over again and was finally given permission to test in on humans. They started with just 15 women. All births went on without a hitch, thanks to the state of the art hospitals and birthing units, and the 6 boys and 9 girls were monitored throughout the first five years of their life. the only side effect of the 'cure' was that two of the children started speaking a little later then was average. But "it could not be proven that it was because of the cure that this occurred"

Encouraged by their success, Interprobe released the 'cure' to the public.

Hundreds upon hundreds of women took the pill within the first few years of its release. It was expensive of course, but people would pay anything to keep their unborn children from harm.

What Interprobe didn't relies was that their was another, more unbelievable, side effect then the late development of speech.

At age 10 or 11 more then half the kids 'cured' developed strange abilities. Some could hold fire in their hands without getting burnt. Others could make wind dance or water fly. For others the very earth would do their bidding. Some could make cuts mend before your very eyes or blink in and out of sight or even call down lightning. Others could make animals do whatever they wished and even seemed to talk to and understand them.

And some, some could see the very future. The good, the bad. The trivial, the earth shattering.

One such boy predicted the coming of 5 very powerful, very great men and women. He said that they would fight their opposites and must win for the good of the world. But it was generally believed that the 14 year old boy was mad or made it up for attention.

As soon as all these weird occurrences with the children were linked with the use of the 'cure' mass production and consumption was immediately stopped.

But the damage had already been done.

You see the cure can be passed on from parent to child through their blood. The child has and 50-50 change of getting the cure if only one of the parents have been cured and has a further 85% chance of developing abilities. The other 15% of children that are cured don't develop abilities but can still pass the cure to their children.

However if the child has two cured parents they have an almost 100% change of getting cured and developing abilities. Not to mention, more often than not, their abilities are much stronger.

The cured children were not shunned or rejected from society as you would expect. Schools were set up for them and they were taught how to fight as the cure gave them heightened reflexes. Their abilities were treasured and helped society and they were happy.

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