Teenage superheros part 2 of chappie 2

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The lesson continued. Some fights lasted a few minutes while others stretched on longer and got the class on their feet, shouting encouragement. I sat quietly and watched as an earth specialist and a girl who could become invisible for short periods of time tried to rip each other's heads off. Zack kept a running commentary, despite my numerous protests, of what he thought the contestants should do differently and who he thought would win. Infuriatingly, he was almost always right.

A fire specialist boy won a fight against a boy who could predict the future, leaving him smoking on the floor.

'I guess his abilities didn't help him see that one coming' said Zack'

'Patrick, Mia, you're up' bellowed Coach! I stood up immediately; ignoring Zack's excited whooping in the background.

'You can't honestly expect me to fight this little girl can you?' the blond boy stated in disbelief 'She's so small I doubt she can hurt me with a sledge hammer! What can she even do?' My anger flared up and I was seeing red.

'My ability is fire' I spat, anger burning fiercely.

'Well little fire bug, run along home and let the big kids do all the dangerous stuff' he said mockingly. Patrick turned to Coach! 'I need a new partner. One who's a little bigger and can present more of a fight'

'I don't see anything wrong with the partner you already have Patrick. You will fight her. Besides, she looks damn near angry enough to rip your head off and more then capable of doing it with very little effort if you ask me' Coach! said mildly. Patrick bristled.

'You think that little runt could hurt me?! Her tininess coupled with her pathetic excuse for a fire ability makes me a far superior fighter!' I was so close to just setting his insides on fire and watching him burn slowly. I had even raised my hand to do just that.

'Mia, my love, CALM DOWN!' Zack snapped me out of my daydreaming. 'Get him to fight you then show him how 'pitiful' your powers are but don't show him too much. It'll be better to keep the others guessing about how good you are, let them underestimating you. That will make it easier in the long run. Besides, it'll will make this Patrick look like even more of an idiot when he's beaten by a little girl with supposedly 'pathetic' abilities' his absolute faith in me and my ability to kick this guy's ass was comforting and helped me to calm down a little.

'Oh come on Patty dearest, don't tell me you're afraid that you'll be beaten by a girl now?' I said. Some of the students echoed me and that served to further infuriate 'Patty'. I watched him flush red and stare almost wildly at the other students,

'Fine, have it your way!' he roared 'but don't cry when I hurt you little girl' the bell sounded for the start of the fight but didn't make a move.

'Come on runt. Try and take me down. I'll be nice and let you have the first hit'

'Man can you spell 'Tool'?' Zack chimed in. I smiled brightly and chuckled a little which probably made Patrick think I was nuts but then again I was talking to someone in my head so I probably was.

'Didn't we already conclude that I was the mad one?' Zack pouted. I shushed him impatiently and concentrated on the fight, or the lack thereof.

Patrick was circling me, trying, and failing, to bait me into any rash moves. He looked like he wasn't going to do anything more interesting so I decided to get the ball rolling.

Using very little effort I melted the soles of his shoes. Patrick, once he realized the burning of his feet, started hopping around and tried, unsuccessfully, to kick his shoes off.

Before long Patrick was jumping up and down crazily in a pool of melted rubber. He stopped jumping long enough to glare at me. He took a threatening step forward but his advance was ruined on account of his slipping in the gooey sludge that surrounded him. The ogling crowd laughed as Patrick rose to his knees.

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