Teenage superheros chapter 2

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It was all so easy back then. No responsibilities or expectations. The biggest problem we had to face was school and the only enemies we had were boredom and teachers. Sometimes I wish none of the drama had ever happened. But then I would have never met the people I did and made the friends I did. But now I'm getting ahead of myself. You want to hear about combat class. Well...

Then: combat class

We lined up against the wall as instructed by the heavily built male that was supposed to be our teacher but looked like he'd more comfortable with a large bat and several unlucky enemies within reach.

'Don't you think it's ironic that children are being taught to kick the crap out of each other every day at school but guns and other weapons have been completely banned for over 15 years?' Zack mused

'Hmm, I guess' I answered distractedly 'shh it's starting'

'I' boomed the teacher 'am coach!' Zack erupted into the most un-masculine giggles I have ever heard.

'His name ... is actually ... Coach!' he managed to gasp out. His amusement made me smile.

'And today' Coach! (it's impossible to say his name without an exclamation mark) continued, oblivious to my amusement 'I will be assessing your natural abilities. First off you will be pared up and then each pare will fight in front of the class. The winners will fight other winners and so on and so forth until we only have one champion. The girls will have to verse boys and abilities are allowed to be used. That's the whole point. Any questions? No? Good.'

He began calling out names.

'Mia your with Patrick' he said to me pointing to a large boy with blond hair and glasses. We sat down in the chairs that came up from the floor. First up was a huge dark haired, dark eyed boy up against a little blond girl that looked more than a little out of her depth. The other students started whispering amongst themselves, taking bets. All thought that the guy was a shoe-in and he certainly looked capable enough.

'Don't be so quick to judge' Zack chided lightly 'the little girl could have a totally sick ability'

Coach! Pressed something on his touch screen keypad on his desk and a bell sounded, signaling the start of the battle. The dark-haired boy charged, arms outstretched, with a mighty battle cry toward the girl. She let out a squeal of surprise and fear. It looked like it was all over for her. Her opponent was almost on top of her and there was no way out when...

She just blinked out of sight and the boy was left grasping thin air. He swung wildly around to face the girl who had reappeared behind him. Without missing a bet he swung a punch right in her gut. She disappeared again and reappeared on top of a large cupboard, coughing and spluttering for breath. When she recovered she blinked away again but this time she didn't reappear. She was gone for about a minute before she rematerialized right behind the dark-haired wonder supporting a large stick. Eyes narrowed Blondie swung it right at the back of his head. Brown eyes didn't even sense it coming and before a real fight had even begun he was crumpled at the feet of a little blond girl almost half his size. The fight was over.


the second part of the fight scene is in the next part so yeah =)

man im bored =P

message and rate please =)

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