Chapter 7: Sleepy Time

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"Here you go King Vergo" Migs passed Verago the collar while Dulce watched "great job Migs thanks to you, Vallestrella is safe from Sobeko" "It's not me you should be thanking. Dulce was the one that came up with a plan and caught him" Migs turned his head to Dulce who was surprise he was giving her the credit. "Well done Dulce, you two make an excellent duo"

The two jaquins bowed to Verago in respect as he left. Migs looked at Dulce his ears down a bit "Dulce I'm really sorry for yelling at you. And for all those things I said. It was actually great being paired up with you" he told her with a shy smile, Dulce felt her cheeks warm up with a pink blush as she smiled shyly too "awww thanks Migsy" she told him until shaking her head and stuttering "I mean Migs" the yellow jaquin walked to her side and bumped into her gently and playfully laughing a little before wrapping a wing around her.

"You can call me Migsy...just not in front of anyone though" Dulce beamed that Migs accepted his new nickname and she nuzzled her head under his chin. Migs froze at first, he didn't expect this to happen, he suddenly felt relaxed from this and nuzzled back at Dulce...he found more than just a partner.

Flashback ended

"So thanks to your mom, the big bad crocodile shaman Sobeko was captured...huh?" Skylar noticed that the cubs and Isabel had fell asleep Zoom was on his back, Estrella in his paws and Mingo near his side. The younger princess slept on Skylar's shoulder, her sleepy eyes open a little "Best...yaaawn...bedtime story ever Skylar" she told him sleepily as Skylar smiled and rested his head on top of hers.

Elena and the others return back to the palace "I can believe we didn't find the Delgados" "Yeah well...yawn...I can't wait to sleep" Naomi told her friend exhausted from the search but then Migs zoomed past her making her spin dizzy. "Sorry Naomi but I need to check on the cubs" "Slow down Migs" Dulce followed her mate as they went to the bedroom.

"Ah! They're not here" Migs had his paws on his head in panic " Migs I'm sure they're still here" Elena tried to reassure him and everyone spread out looking for until Mateo arrived to the library. "Hey guys over here" he whispered as everybody joined them "Well what is it?" Gabe asked loudly only to be shushed by Mateo.

Once everyone looked inside the room, they can see why Mateo shush Gabe. Skylar, Isabel and the cubs were all sleeping together. "Awww" Elena and Naomi said together as Migs approached them his mouth fell in surprise on what he was seeing.

"Wow. Skylar actually did a good job on this babysitting thing" "see nothing to worry about Migsy" Dulce told him with a smile as she nuzzled her head on his shoulder. Migs wrapped his wing around her nuzzling her back. "Your right Dulce. Maybe I should let Skylar babysit more often" he told her as everyone watched Skylar and the kids snuggle and sleep together.

Elena of Avalor: It's Takes Two Jaquins to Tango💕Where stories live. Discover now