Chapter 4: The Show And...Well...After

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Hey guys! :D I’m lazy so this note isn’t going to be very long there’s just one thing. The song that was on the last chapter, well it actually goes with this chapter. So if you want to listen to it go to the last chapter cause I’m to lazy to post it again. Anyways enjoy!


~ Rachel’s P.O.V ~

I was backstage with my sister before going to my seat, because earlier she was freaking out and I wanted to make sure she was OK. Fortunately she had calmed down after her little ‘break down.’ She was smiling and ready to get going.

She was wearing her lucky black beanie with her brown, wavy hair down and her bangs parted to the right visible under her beanie, black skinny jeans, a black tank top with a dark green over the shoulder, baggy shirt over it, and dark green and black converse. I also noticed a silver bracelet with a brown cat hanging from it. She was about to go on stage when I stopped her.

“What’s up with the bracelet?” I asked her.

“What? Oh this! You got it for me.” She said.

“Yeah I know, but why are you wearing it?”

“Oh! It’s my good luck charm.” She said shaking it at me before jumping on stage and making the crowd go crazy.

I quickly rushed back to my seat so I wouldn’t miss any of it.

“Hey everybody! Are you ready to get this party started?!” Katie yelled into the microphone, and the crowd went wild screaming ‘yeah.’

She started singing the first single she ever had ‘Get The Party Started’ and finished with ‘Rockin In The U.S.A.’

Through out her whole performance the crowd was dancing and singing along.

“You guys were great! I love you London!” She yelled.

Then One Direction came on. They started with ‘Na Na Na’ and ended with ‘I Want,’ or at least that’s what Michelle said. I pretty much zoned out when they started singing. I was pretty much just jumping up and down when the crowd did.

~ Katie’s P.O.V ~

I was backstage waiting for the boys to come off the stage to congratulate them. When they did we all hugged and walked to my dressing room because Rachel, Michelle, and Alissa said they would meet us there.

When we walked in three party poppers went off and all three of them started screaming.

“Yay! Congratulations!” Alissa yelled.

“Yay the tours over you get to relax!” Michelle yelled.

“Yay! I don’t have to listen to Michelle talk about it anymore!” Rachel yelled.

The room went silent. The next thing we heard was a pop!

“Ow!” Rachel screamed. “What the hell Michelle!”

“What? It’s your fault, you shouldn’t let me carry rubber bands around.” Rachel glared at her.

The next thing I knew Niall was laughing beside me. He was laughing so hard his face was turning red and he was gasping for air. Which only caused Rachel to get angrier, she ended up storming over to Niall and slapping him upside the head.

Niall looked at Rachel in shock. “Don’t laugh at my pain!” She yelled at him.

Suddenly everybody burst out laughing even Niall which honestly wasn’t the best move considering Rachel was still standing next to him. She glared at him and was about to hit him again but was stopped by Michelle yelling.

“Oh come on Rachel go easy on him! He’s Niall he laughs at everything!”

Rachel looked at Michelle than back at Niall. I’m guessing she was second guessing her decision.

Rachel sighed. “Fine I guess I’ll let this one slide.” She said.

The room was silent until my stomach decided to growl. “Shut up I know you’re hungry!” I yelled at it.

“NANDO’S!!!” Rachel yelled running out of the room.

 “I like the way your sister thinks.” Niall said smirking then running after her.

Liam then looked at Alissa and extended his hand. “Shall we go?” He asked.

Alissa took his hand. “We shall.” They walked out together smiling at each other and holding hands.

Did I miss something?

“Are you coming love?” Harry asked, winking at Michelle as he left the room. Michelle followed after him like a love sick puppy. Zayn walked out after them shaking his head. I laughed to myself. Then I looked at Louis. We smiled at each other, hooked arms, and skipped out of the room.

By the way if you haven’t noticed Louis’ my best friend, well aside from Alissa that is.

~ Louis’ P.O.V ~

By the way if you haven’t noticed Katie’s my best mate, well aside from the boys that is.

While we were skipping down the hall we past Zayn. “How does it feel to be the ninth wheel dumbass.” I said sticking my tongue out at him. He glared at me.

“Don’t let Rachel hear you say that or she’ll think she’s paired up with Niall.” Katie warned me.

“Why wouldn’t she be paired up with Niall?” I asked her. “She’s pretty much a girl version of him, except she’s creepy and Niall’s cute and innocent.” I pointed out.

“Did you just call her creepy?” She asked.

“What you don’t think she’s creepy?”

“No I think she’s creepy but I’m family I get to call her whatever I want.” She said grinning at me.

I shook my head. We continued skipping down the hall until we reached the door we went through to get to the limo that was waiting.

We hopped in the limo to see everyone waiting for us. Even Zayn was there which makes no sense considering me and Katie passed him.

“Gosh what took you two so long?!” Rachel yelled. “I’m starving!” Niall was behind her grinning. He so likes her!

“Don’t look at me it’s this guys fault.” Katie said pointing at me. “Geez Louis no means no!”

 I looked at her in shock. “What?!” I yelled, then everybody burst out laughing.

“Oh calm down you know I love you.” Katie said hugging me.

“Awwwww!!!” Rachel, Michelle, and Alissa all chorused. The boys just laughed.

I looked around at everyone in the limo. Considering what’s happened so far Nando’s should be interesting.

Rachel was glaring at Niall why he was laughing at her. Wow, she glared a lot. Michelle was drooling over Harry. Zayn was being his bad boy self and by that I mean sitting in the corner. Alissa and Liam were staring at each other smiling, still don’t know what’s going on there. And me and Katie were sitting beside each other with our fingers intertwined like we usually do. The feeling of her hand in mine made my heart race and I could feel the blood rush to my face.

Wait, what just happened?!

Yes another cliff hanger. Go ahead kill me with spoons. It’s what I would do if I were you. OK so this chapter was pretty much just a filler. But some stuff happens in the next chapter. I don’t know if you’ll think it’s stuff but it’s where their at Nando’s so yeah. Oh and in this story Zayn is the only one with a girlfriend. BYE LOVE YOU ALL!!! <3 :D


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