One - Distant Wishes

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TIME: 9:30PM

I closed my eyes breathing in the warm smell of burnt out candles. I wished it could be like this all the time, when everyone was so happy. Dad barely even talked to either of us anymore, so today had been special.

I could hear the hum and buzz of the TV from under my blanket. I knew my parents must be awake. I felt safe and warm and happy.

Then they started.

I heard Mum mutter something under her breath. Dad snorted. Then there was silence. A few minutes later Dad said something I couldn't quite hear. Then Mum shouted. I hid under my blankets. My parents did this a lot. They would fight for hours. I covered my ears and clung on to my happiness, but it had already trickled away downstream.

Suddenly I heard a bang. It was sharp and loud like the sound of a bullet escaping a gun. I knew what it was, the sound of a door closing. No not closing not at all. The sound of a door being closed so hard that it starts to swing off its hinges. I got out if bed slowly and ran to my door. I pulled the handle and let in a thin string if light. Dad spun round and glared at me.

"Go back to bed Lila!" He said. His voice was stiff and cold.

"Where's Mum?" I let a whisper escape from my throat.

"Gone. She'll be back. Go to bed." Dad turned to face the TV screen.

I slid back under my blankets. I lay on my bed and stared up at the ceiling.

"I wish it wasn't always like this." I whimpered.

TIME: 11:45PM

"Lila!" Someone was shaking me. "Lila!"

I groaned and opened my eyes slowly.

"Dad! I yawned. "What?"

"Lila!" Dad was shaking me hard, really hard. I rubbed sleep out of my eyes. Dad was trembling, more than trembling he was shaking like an earthquake. "Lila." He whispered. Great tears ran down his cheeks. His hair was wet with sweat.

"Dad what is it?"

He was sobbing. He was weeping. He collapsed on my bed.

"Dad! What is it!?" I yelled. My voice echoed with panic.

Behind Dad I noticed a tall man. He was wearing a stiff, tidy uniform.

"What's going on?" I was petrified now, my whole body shaking.

"I'm sorry dear." The man sighed. He glanced at Dad and shook his head sadly.

"What?" I trembled . I looked at Dad. He spoke slowly in splutters.

"She's gone!" He sobbed.

"Who's gone!" I yelped. "What's going on?"

The tall man in uniform shook his head slowly "I'm sorry dear, your mother is dead."

I heard a scream. It was loud. My ears were begging for it to stop. But it went on and on draining every single hope in my heart. Then I realised it was me. I was screaming, and I wouldn't stop. Not now not ever. Mum was gone. Mum was dead.

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