Happy couples forever

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Siddhant Pov 

I reached village and rushed inside her house...

Her parents told she went out with her friend...

Friends!!!  Omg not sure what that friend is going to tell her...I just went around in search of her while I saw her near the pond...

Though not in full... I heard their conversation at last moment and felt happy Roli got good friends too...

When I said why to forgive and why to accept... She turned towards me and blushed...

I went near her while both got up...

' siddhantji... You here...' roli asked...

'wherever my Seetha is there its my mithila Roli... I came in search of my wife... ' i said looking into her eyes...

She down her eyelids without able to handle my look...

'hello I am her friend... She told about everything... I used to support her earlier but as I got shift to city she got no proper guidance in her life... I understood you love her a lot... As a friend I request you forgive her mistake and accept her...' her friend said...

'of course I do and thanks for being supportive to her and bring her back to normal...  Otherwise tonight might have been wasted in normalize her...' i said...while Roli blushed... 

'roli... Remember whatever I said... All the best for a happy married life...' her friend said and moved from there...

I hold her hand and went to her house...

We just informed formally that we are starting and left...

It was dinner time when we reached our house...Roopa was there as well...

'let me introduce...  This is Roopa my cousin sister...  This is Roli... My darling wife...' i introduced mutual... 

' i am sorry... I was not knowing that she is your cousin sister... ' Roli said innocently... 

Myself and Roopa laughed...

'roli... Don't worry. .  He belongs only to you... You know so many tried to flirt at him in US... But he only love this innocent girl...' Roopa said holding her chin...

Roli smiled... 

We all had dinner... 

When Roli tried to move for doing household I hold her hand...

'all these you do tomorrow... ' i said taking her in my arms towards our room...

I dropped her in the room & locked the door...

I wrapped my hands and pulled her closer... 

I hug her tightly placing kisses all over her face...

'sorry to slap you darling ' i said kissing her cheeks... 

' i deserve it Siddhantji for my stupidity...  I am sorry...' she said...

'roli... I promised you that i won't touch without your consent...  I will do anything further only if you allow and accept ' i said...

'siddhantji I am all yours... ' she said hiding her on my shoulder... 

I took her in my arms and dropped her on the bed...

I lean beside her kissing her & caressing her throughout the body...

When I dropped her saree she closed her eyes with shallow breathe... 

'roli...' i called her while she hide on my shoulder... 

I undid the Dhori and hook of her blouse... 

I can feel her hiding her more on my chest and her body was shivering... 

I wrapped blanket on us and pulled her closer... 

'roli stop me if you are not ok... ' i said...

She nodded... 

I started invading her... But gently... 

Noticing her every expression... 

Finally she allowed me to make her wife in all means...

Yes we Roli & Siddhant become Rosid... 

I kissed on her forehead while she lean on my chest hugging me tightly... 

I smiled...

Wish God bless us with all happiness... 

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