wattpad's new layout aka everyone else is changing why not us as well

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wattpad's new layout aka everyone else is changing why not us as well

so i think the title gives away what i'm pretty much about to say. instead of the usual rant layout, i'm going to do a pros and cons list


-it's actually a really pretty layout

yeah that's about all i have for the pros.


-the background at the top is so fucking picky. i chose over fifteen pictures, but all of them were too blurry to choose. i know it's not a resolution thing, because they were fine on the old layout

-everyfuckingthing i do is now up there for everyone to see. i have absolutely no privacy anymore

-this is what gets me the most: you can't see if your stories are ranked unless it is the big one at the top. granted, only one of my stories has ever been ranked, but if for some reason they were ranked again, i really wouldn't be able to know. wattpad doesn't notify you if you're ranked, you just go on the website one day and are like, "woah. look at that."

-IT'S ONLY THE PROFILE PAGE THAT'S CHANGED WTF!!! i mean, if they're going to change at all, change all of it. it's very annoying going from one layout to another.

-they've been using the same layout since i started writing on wattpad, which was about a year and a half ago. though i'm not one hundred percent sure, i'm pretty sure that they've been using the same layout for a very long time. why change now

-there's no practical reason for the layout. nothing is easier to use and it seems like it's just pissing everyone off. so far i have not seen one person say that they like the new layout.

-you can't see your dedications anymore

so there you go. this new layout is annoying and wattpad should stop trying to copy everyone else and just do it's own thing. i feel like ever since after became big (i have another rant all dedicated to that fabulous piece of literature) wattpad has been trying really hard to be mainstream. one of the things i liked about the website was that it was pretty cool and relaxed, but now it's just changing to change.

dedicated to wattpad. maybe they'll read this, maybe they won't. hopefully they'll realize how stupid they've been and change back to the original layout. if they don't, at least they'll try to improve this one.

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