you're an idiot and shouldn't be allowed on the internet

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you're an idiot and shouldn't be allowed on the internet

i can't properly put into words just how angry and frustrated i am about this topic, but i will attempt to do so to appease you people (really myself because idgaf what you guys think about me).

so how do i begin? you're probably quite confused as to what is going on because you have no idea what i'm talking about right now. basically, it pisses me off when people use derogatory terms. any type of negative term directed towards a certain group of people pisses me off, but for the sake of this rant i am going to limit it only to stuff directed towards gays, because i have personally dealt with this shit. i may also include some stuff that people say about women, but that might be a whole other rant as well.

this has always bothered me. whenever i would read something stupid in the comments of a youtube video i would usually just ignore it. even though it bothered me, i never really felt like it personally affected me. yeah, i'm a pansexual and i have a girlfriend, but all of my friends and people i surround myself around aren't stupid and don't say that type of shit, or so i thought.

it was new years day. i was heading back to my father's house after a lovely two weeks at my mother's. it was nice and relaxing, i got to see my family and best friends, along with skyping my friend sarah for the first time (shout out to sarah). but like any vacation it had to end so i could go back to the boring real world. whilst i was at the airport waiting for my flight to start boarding, i decided to check instagram since i had nothing better to do. being quite honest i was a bit emotional because i missed my dog (and other people but mostly my dog) so i was trying to distract myself. but anyways, i was on instagram minding my own business when i saw something that my friend had recently posted. it was a conversation with her and another one of her friends about the new year. i thought it was kind of funny at first because it went something like, "happy new years." "fuck is it new years? i don't even know." i thought it was so funny i decided to read it again, and realized that i had missed one very important detail about the conversation. my friend did not text the other person, "happy new year." she texted her, "happy new year fag." when i read that my opinion on the entire conversation changed. it was no longer funny and amusing, but rude and really disrespectful. my friend is straight, along with the person she was texting, she really had no right to be saying that type of shit.

i was so offended when i read that. this was someone who i've known for so long, and she knows how i feel about that type of stuff. she's my best friend and she said that. i don't know when, but later she deleted the picture so it's not there anymore. still, the fact that she posted that in the first place is kind of awful. like i get that as teenagers we say stupid stuff all the time, but i thought that she had known better than that.

i know i'm focusing on my friend a lot, but it's not just her. i see it all the time on twitter and in the hallways in my school. just the other day a kid in my class said, "no i don't like so and so cause he's a fag." whilst going on and on about how this was so gay and that was so gay. i have to hear this shit all the time and i just want to punch someone every time i hear it. it might be funny slang to you, but it's not. it's offensive. it's rude to everyone apart of the lgbtq community. ugh, i just can't put into words how furious i am about it.

also, using the word gay as an insult is just fucking stupid. like seriously, i don't go around saying, "oh you still play flappy bird? that's so straight.". that sounds stupid right? well the same goes for me when people use gay instead of straight. why is gay an insult, really? gay people (or anyone else in the lgbtq community) are so much nicer than straight people because they're accepting of everybody's differences. they know what it's like to be treated like shit and try not to treat others like that as well.

don't get me started with "no homo, bro." like, do you really need to say that when you hug a friend? honestly, even if one of you were gay, saying no homo doesn't change anything. it's just stupid.

ugh i'm just really pissed right now and dislike the world because of all the idiots in it. so yeah, if you do that shit you're an idiot and shouldn't be allowed on the internet (thus the title).

yeah i'm going to go. this probably doesn't make any sense but oh well it's not going anywhere.


p.s. i apologize to my friend that i mentioned earlier because she might read this but really what you said was stupid

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2015 ⏰

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