Apollo Cabin Headcanon #4

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-Guitars are painted on with the player's favorite things

-They try really hard to convince Chiron to let them go out into the city and see the newest Broadway show

-He usually says no

-The one time he said yes was for Hamilton because 'George Washington was a demigod and it has educational value blah blah blah'

-Legolas jokes are officially banned ( )


-They totally DO NOT try to pull off his tricks from the movies

-There are competitions for who can play a not the longest on wind instruments

-Watch as the kids slowly die off one by one

-There are competitions for who can play the William Tell Overture(That song from the Lone Ranger) the fastest

-Apollo is the god of truth and all of his children are horrible liars

-They tan easily (thanks Apollo)

-Flip flops are worn as often as possible

-They subconsciously hum and whistle

-Like they'll be in class and start humming and someone will tell them to shut up and they had no idea they were making noise

-It's bad when the whole cabin is doing it and no one even realizes it

-Each one is very disappointed when they get to high school and it's not a musical

-The medics like to watch doctor shows like Grey's Anatomy and see how accurate it is

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