Chapter 10

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AavaA's P.O.V.

I can't believe this happened. I just cannot believe at this moment that I am now partners with Naya! I knew I was trying to look for her, find her and then partner with her, but I didn't think it would actually work!

Last night, I was walking through the woods, on my mission to find Naya, when I suddenly hear some noises. The sound of quiet footsteps, and the shifting of leaves. I peak from behind a tree and see not very far in front of me, Canyon, with his trident carefully in his hands, hiding behind a bush. I follow his gaze and see the opening of a cave that is slightly camouflaged by a net of leaves and vines. He watches it, not moving, frozen. What is going on? Suddenly, walking out from the cave is Naya. She strolls up to a what looks like a freshly cooked kill. It was either a hare or a rabbit. I honestly can't tell. She wraps it up, turns around and starting packaging it away into what must be her backpack. Canyon starts to move, slowly, quietly and swiftly out from behind the bush. He starts to head towards Naya. Oh no... He's gonna kill Naya! I tell myself to yell, to warn her, to tell her she's going to die. But I can't. My body is stuck in place. I am unable to move, talk, or do literally anything. No...Naya...

At this point, Canyon is right behind her. He shifts his hands into the correct position on the handle, pulling it back, ready to strike her. Naya! Please don't die! Right as Canyon is about to stab Naya, she turns around, quick as a gust of wind and knocks the trident completely out of his hands with the back of her left arm. Canyon jumps back as she pulls out her sword, holding it in her right hand. He tries to punch her, but she dodges it. He tries to knock her feet from under her, but she jumps over the blow. He tries one last time, trying to knock her over from the side with his arm. She grabs his arm, holds it behind him and knocks him down onto his back. "Thought you could kill me? Huh?" She says, the sound of anger rising quickly in her tone. Canyon just stares at her, completely taken aback. He was definitely not expecting this.

She held his hand down with her foot, and says with a cold, hard stare, "Well, I have news for you, buddy. I knew you would betray me. I knew since we shook hands during our training. I've been prepared since the beginning." She points her sword at his throat. "Now, Canyon, I just want to say that I'm not sorry at all." She smiles. Shivers cascade down my spine. "Bye Canyon." With one quick motion she stabs him right in the stomach. I look away quickly. I can't bear to watch this. A few seconds later I hear a scraping noise, and I look up and see Naya cleaning her sword on a mossy stump. I step slightly forward, stepping right on a twig. Crack. Naya looks up, startled, and stares me right in the face. She looks very surprised and confused. With this look still on her face, she says, "AavaA...?"

A cannon goes off, and the noise rings through my ears for a few seconds. Then the noise fades away. I step out from behind the tree and explain to her why I was there. How I wanted to partner with her, how I spent about two days looking for her. When I was done, Naya didn't looked surprised anymore. She said she understood, and agreed to be my partner.

Today is the day after that. It was only last night. We had split the supplies her and Canyon had between us, and we moved our camp. Now, we have started to become friends, at least I think we have. Just her and me. Naya and me. No Canyon anymore.

Jasper's P.O.V.

I walk slowly through the woods, not taking in the world around me. I don't smell the earthy and cold smell of the trees and bushes. I don't feel the slightly uneven ground and roots underneath my feet. I don't even feel the rain pattering against my head in an even pace. I just stare, walk aimlessly and feel my brain slowly dying with every step I take. I feel her standing there, behind me, her arm on my shoulder trying to talk to me. I don't want to talk. She's trying to make me feel better. I don't want to feel better.

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