Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I was crammed into a tiny space that barely fit my eight-year-old body. Even curled into a fetal position, there is hardly any room for me. I try to remember where I am, but I can't remember anything. I remember waking up the first time and finding the bodies, but I push them out of my head. Other than waking up, the only thing I remember is a happy, soft melody, like a lullaby, playing through my head on a loop. I don't even know my name. As if on cue, something falls from my neck. I pick up the small piece of metal and study the inscription on the front. It looks like a dolphin on one side of a shield and a lady with a fish tail instead of legs she has a big fork in her hand. I study the necklace a little more and see that on the back 'Melody Claire Elise Datonalo '. I assume my name is 'Melody'. That is sad that I can't even remember my own name. I look a little more and see little hinges on the oval piece of gold. I open the locket and it folds out into three ovals, each about the size of a grown-up's thumbprint.

In the oval on the left is a picture of the pretty lady from earlier, with bright red curls and beautiful sea-green eyes, beside her is the man I saw before, with honey-colored hair and dark blue eyes. His arm is around her waist, and they are dressed in formal clothes, the woman is in a white wedding gown with lots of elaborate beading and ruffles, and the man is dressed in a tuxedo .The inscription below them reads 'Mama and Daddy' . I look at the side on the far right where there is a picture of two girls, one looks about seven or eight, the younger girl can't be much more than a year old. The older girl had honey-colored curls and eyes the same color as the woman in the wedding dress. This girl was dressed in a pink, floral dress, while the baby girl I saw earlier was beside her in a matching pink dress. The baby already had bright red curls and dark blue eyes. The inscription under the picture reads 'Melody and Amanda ' I assume that I'm the older girl, based off the honey curls that are falling in my eyes. The final picture is in the middle and is of all the other people in the locket. The man is now in a nice black suit with a pink tie, the woman in a pale pink dress that goes with the girl's dresses. They all look very happy surrounded by wildflowers and grass.

I put together that they are all a family and that the couple is my parents and the baby, Amanda, is my sister. I don't know why I don't remember any of them and my throbbing head isn't helping me think at all. Maybe that's why I can't remember anything. That still doesn't explain why I'm in a... Well, I don't know what I'm in. I just know that it is small and that it's getting hard to breathe, and it feels like the black metal walls are coming closer, and closer. I start to scream and try stop the metal bearing down on me, but nothing helps. Just before I submit to the darkness pulling at me, a wall opens and I see green grass. I look up and see beautiful blue eyes pulling me out of the car; the boy pulling me out begins to call for help just as the sun starts to rise behind us.

I open my eyes and shoot off of the bed I'm in. I take in the school's infirmary, with its many empty beds. I land back on the bed and see someone sitting on the chair beside the bed. I recognize him as the boy/wall. " Umm who are you?" I ask him in a voice barely over a whisper. The boy looks relieved that I'm awake, and answers my question, "I'm Logan Jacobs, the person you ran into. You really scared me, my first day here and I'd already caused an injury. You passed out after you fell and you didn't wake up, so I took you to the infirmary. What's your name?" All of this is said very quickly before I answer his question, "I'm Melody Datonalo. You said you're new here, so I've got two questions. Why would you transfer to a new school after the start of the year? And, do you eat Titanium for breakfast or something? "

The boy lets out a breathy laugh and says, "No, I don't eat Titanium for breakfast, I prefer Cheerios. I transferred here because my dad decided to ship me off."

"Well, that explains it. What grade are you in? I'm a junior. CRAP!!! WHAT TIME IS IT????!!!!?!?!"

"Ummm...Five, it's five. I'm a junior, too."

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! SPOOOONNNGGGEEEBBOOOOOBBBBBB!!!!" I shoot up from the bed and run over to the television set sitting in the corner. I grab the remote and turn the magic box to Spongebob Squarepants, just to hear the trademark laugh of Spongebob as the screen goes to black, before going to the next show. I turn off the TV and walk back to the bed. Logan is staring at me, looking very confused and amused at the same. "What?"

"I've never met anyone over ten that watched that show."

"Well now you have. Spongebob is one of the best cartoons ever run on television. Tom and Jerry, and The Smurfs are high on the list, too"

"Well, I can cross that one off my bucket list. Soooooo I don't really know my way around, and my stomach is about to start eating itself. Could you possibly point me to the cafeteria?"

My stomach growled at just that moment, and my stomach and Logan's stomach were both about to have a full out mutiny. Logan laughs and dramatically says, "Shall we go then, before our stomachs scare away the rest of the school."

"We shall." My flashback forgotten as I walked with Logan to the glorious hall of food

** (Was ending it here, but then I decided it was too short.)**

Logan and I stood in the short line to get up to the buffet. We talked a little bit about our classes. I found out that I had all of my classes with him. Not that I'm complaining, he's a lot better looking than a chalkboard. I piled my plate high with lots of pizza and other "junk" food. I can't help it that it is the tastiest food. I can eat all this and not gain a pound, although my constant exercise might have something to do with that. All the energy I normally have is put to use while I'm swimming. I also love to swim when I'm not playing music. I'm not on the school team, nor do I have any desire to be. It just relaxes me if the music room is occupied. I take up my normal post at a table in the corner of the cafeteria. Logan looks like he doesn't know where to sit so I ask him to sit with me.

We eat in silence, I finish in half the time Logan does, I also had half the amount Logan did. The kid had TWO heaping plates of food, yet the dark-haired boy ate every bit of it. I realized that if he didn't know where one of the most important building on campus was, he probably didn't know where anything was. So I scrounge up what little courage I have and ask, "Do you want a tour of the campus?" Normally I don't say as much in a week as I've said in the past hour. I don't know why I'm talking so much, Mr. Ron is the only person I really talk to unless it's absolutely necessary. We put our empty plates on the conveyor belt that carries them back to the kitchen.

We walk all around the campus. I show him the football field, the sports complex, library, all of the buildings with their certain class types, finally I show him the music room. We walk in and I show the instrument room, and the beautiful, glossy black grand piano. I completely forget about Logan and start playing an elaborate, melancholy piece, my small hands finding ways to span octaves, playing sharps and flats, before ending on a softly, sad minor chord. I hear clapping behind me and remember Logan as my face burns. "Um, uh, um, sorry I completely forgot about you. Sorry you had to hear that, I'm not that good, sorry if your ears start to bleed from my terrib-"

"What are you talking about?! That was the best music I've ever heard. You've got a real gift. Where on Earth did you learn to play like that?"

"Um.. Well, Mr. Ron taught me everything and I think I had lessons when I was younger..."

"I thought I heard my little Princess playing. Oh, Princess, I see you've made a friend." Mr. Ron says, while his stormy grey eyes winking suggestively at me. My face burns even brighter in the darkened room. Logan stares at the grey-haired man, an unspoken question in his eyes. I realize that the two don't know each other and I make introductions, "Mr. Ron, Logan. Logan, Mr. Ron."

"So this is the Mr. Ron who gave you the lessons that made you a musical prodigy." Logan says.

"I didn't realize that Princess talked about me so highly." Mr. Ron says.

"How could you possibly think that? You are the best person I've ever met." I say.

Mr. Ron just laughs and says that he's going to leave me and Logan alone, but that Logan has to have me back to my dorm by nine o' clock sharp. The last comment leaves us both blushing and protesting, as Mr. Ron laughter is heard half-way down the hall.


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