Chapter 17

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I groaned when Saturn called me in on a favor. Doesn't she own me favors? The last minute notice doesn't help either. I blubbered about a club meeting I probably had to go to or that I had better things to do. To my despair, she wouldn't take no for an answer.

As we walked to our cars, I complained, "Why can't you just go and get it?"

She seemed a bit closed off when she answered. In truth, she acted a bit strange all day but not enough to cause any red flags. "Because I am a busy woman. That base is 15 minutes away and it costs me gas money."

"You are probably going to see him in a few days. Why don't you wait until then? Or, why don't you just have Wyatt get it for you?"

"Why are you trying to weasel your way out of this? Wyatt will just forget for days on end. And, it is one of my favorite jackets that I got in New York." In addition to her explanation, she made a puppy dog face with pleading eyes.

I gave in with a sigh. Then, Saturn sprinted to her car before I could change my mind. I watched in jealousy as she got the privilege of driving straight home. Knowing her, she will stuff her face into a bag of Cheetos. And not gain any weight. Lucky.

I turned my keys to the ignition, and my car rumbled to life. Without the chaos of a military event, the base was much easier to navigate. The parking lot was unusually empty, but then I remembered that student soldiers generally left their training when the high school got out. As I walked onto the campus, normal looking teenagers walked out. The intense military program never seemed to dampen their spirits or turn them stone cold. It made me curious about how there could be so much bonding when most of the training they did was a competition.

As I walked further into the base, I heard officers yelling and grunts of effort from students. This is more of what I am used to hearing. The atmosphere became official, hardworking, and patriotic. From a distance, I watched a hand to hand combat lesson. Each student got a chance to get aggressive in the grass speckled circle. In another area, I saw soldiers, older and teenagers, practice running with all of their gear on. Just the idea makes my body ache. 

I shook my head and regained my purpose. Okay. Saturn had said that she left her jacket on the fence near the obstacle course. As if I knew where the obstacle course was. I wandered around until I saw a large field and structure that made the civilian obstacle course look babyish in comparison. I followed the fence until I found Saturn's precious jacket next to a set of bleachers within the closed off area. Is it possible that Saturn could have been watching someone or even Wyatt do this obstacle course? Too cool. I made a vow to give anyone who could survive that deathtrap my respect. 

I realized that I wasn't alone when I noticed Ben's head among the silver bleachers. I tried to escape without interaction, but Ben caught sight of me.

He yelled, "Carly!" An authentic smile showcased Ben's perfectly straight and white teeth. He rested his arms on the fence in front of me. I noticed that he was out of his camo uniform. He wore a pair of dark wash blue jeans and a roughed up AC/DC t-shirt. The shoulder cut shirt showed off his biceps without his trying. I ripped my vision away to focus on his face. Curiosity scrunching his eyebrows together. "What are you doing here?"

I pointed to the jacket I held. "I was getting Saturn's jacket. Good thing it didn't get rained on. It must have been a target for the elements since Monday." Why do I sound so dorky?

Ben gave me a questioning look. "Saturn didn't leave anything here on Monday. This is where I store my backpack and other belongings while I go training. Not many people come out here. Most student soldiers have only been in the vicinity when on their first day of training tour. I try to lower the chances of someone stealing my stuff."

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