Chapter Eight

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"We're starting classes after lunch, right?" Milly asked, looking away from Hilda for the first time in a few minutes.

"The Nevers started before lunch," Hilda said with an eye roll.

"That's because Nevers aren't lazy," Amber added on.

Theresa ignored them and turned to Milly.

"Yeah, we are. Starting with sixth."

Milly nodded and glanced back at Hilda.

She and Amber were currently talking about Evers and Nevers, including the differences between them, and Milly gave Theresa a suffering look.

Theresa shook her head and gave the back of Amber's head a small glare.

Milly laughed and gave Hilda a disapproving head shake of her own.

"Evers are just too noble. Always sticking their necks out for others. Gets them killed all the time," Amber said.

Theresa poked her side.

"Didn't an Ever save you by sticking their neck out in the Trial by Tale."

Amber ignored her and continued speaking.

"Another problem with Evers: they're always interrupting."

Hilda nodded in agreement.

Milly gaped at Amber and Hilda while Theresa laughed.

"They're far too nice," Hilda said with a disgusted look on her face."

Amber agreed and Theresa smirked, already planning something.

Milly scooted a few inches back, wondering just how the princess's plan would go down.

It was always best to give Amber a few good feet of distance whenever someone (almost always Theresa) upset her.

Theresa acted a few moments later, scooting along the bench closer to Amber and looping her arms around the Never's waist, pulling her back.

Amber squeaked like a mouse and thrashed in her grip, but Theresa held firm and soon she had her leg tossed over the other end of the bench.

She pulled Amber back until she could set her head on the Never's shoulder and continue to hold her loosely around the waist.

Amber was clearly shocked.

She looked like she wanted to be angry, but she was far too surprised and embarrassed to do anything but glance at Theresa as she nestled her head against her neck.

"Something wrong with Evers?" she asked sweetly.

Amber took a deep breath and tried her hardest to manage a glare.

It didn't work and Theresa grinned.

"Guess not," she said, moving a bit closer.

Hilda groaned and rolled her eyes in exasperation.

She turned back to Milly, knowing that Amber would not be in a good state to talk to with Theresa being so affectionate.

Milly glanced at Theresa and the other princess winked at her with a wide grin.

Milly met it with her own before turning to Hilda.

She wouldn't have thought it would be so easy to distract Amber... perhaps she should try something like that with Hilda sometime...

She blushed deeply and quickly went to fix what she'd thought.

She meant to do that in like a friendly way...

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