Chapter Six

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"Theresa, why are people suddenly acknowledging my existence?"

Theresa looked up and raised an eyebrow as Axel just barged in without knocking.

"Maybe because you're the son of King Tedros?"

"Yeah, but I'm the second born and supposedly the disappointment to my father. So, why are people suddenly acknowledging me?"

"Because you were in a fairytale?" Serenity asked.

She was settled on Theresa's bed and had her head on her cousin's shoulder while reading her textbook.

Axel sighed dramatically and flopped onto the bed beside his sister, burying his head in her shoulder.

"What happened?" Milly asked, her interest peaked.

There was muttered, indecipherable grumble against Theresa.

"I'm sorry, I don't speak whiny preteen," Serenity snarked without looking up.

Axel dramatically flopped over in bed, looking at the girls in the room.

"I was perfectly fine without people flirting with me. I had a fulfilling life! I didn't suddenly become a bumbling nimrod!"

"Beg to differ," Serenity said.

Axel slapped her.

"Hey! As pillows Theresa, I declare that I am a war free land."

Serenity rolled her eyes.

"What happened?" Milly insisted.

"First there was the guy from the opening ceremony, his name is Elm by the way, and then there was Addie again!"

He said it like he hadn't been dreaming of literally anyone looking at him like he was a possible romantic interest his whole life.

Be careful what you wish for, he supposed.

Theresa grinned down at him.

"Oooooh, so my little brother finally grew up and got himself a girlfriend... and a boyfriend too..."

Theresa frowned.

"Dirty two timer."

Axel growled and shoved her.

"I'm serious! What do I do?!"

Theresa was suddenly grinning wider.

"What do you do when someone flirts with you? Well that depends."


Theresa's pristine blue eyes sparkled.

"If you like them or not."

Axel blushed deeply.

"If you don't, you politely or impolitely tell them to leave. If you do, well, you flirt back."

Axel stared at her.

He clearly had no idea how to do that.

Theresa rolled her eyes and glanced at the other two girls in the room.

"How about I teach you how to flirt later?" she asked.

Axel frowned and then looked at the other two of them.

He grinned at his friend and smiled at his sister.

He didn't want to embarrass him in front of their friends.

Occasionally she could be an alright sister, he guessed.

Just then, the wolves howled across the bridge and the bell rang on their side.

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