Chapter Five

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A/N: Usually my chapters are at least 2,000 words, but since I'm going on vacation they'll be 500 words for like the next two weeks so... sorry.

Axel made his way toward Theresa's room and let out a sigh.

He ran a hand over the flower petal and ignored the people staring at him.

All but one.

He had honestly been wandering through the halls in hopes of running into Prince Rose.

And he did.


He bumped into the other boy and he pitched forward, almost face planting onto the ground.

The other boy grabbed onto him and laughed, pulling him to his feet.

"You alright?" He asked with a small smile.

He looked a bit awkward and rubbed the back of his neck.

He moved his hands away from Axel quickly and had somehow been smart enough to not touch Axel directly.

"Umm, my name is Axel," he said awkwardly.

Prince Rose laughed.

"Who is the Endless Woods wouldn't know your name?"

Axel blushed slightly and looked back at him.

"Oh, right, my name's Elm," he said.

Axel tried not to laugh.

But he seemed to not handle it very well and Elm raised an eyebrow, looking at the other boy.

Axel blushed.

"I'd, um, started to think of you as Prince Rose because... yeah. And you're named Elm... sorry," Axel said, blushing deeply as he looked at the other boy.

Elm laughed and grinned at Axel.

"Glad I made an impression," he said.

Axel awkwardly ran a finger along the flower petal in his coat pocket.

"Well, of course..."

Elm was smiling again, but he was still looking a bit awkward.

"Well, I hope I see you in class..."

Axel nodded far too quickly.

"Uh, yeah, me too, Elm."

The other prince gave him a smile before turning and Axel shook himself to pull out of the trance he had seemed to fall into around Elm.

He started to head to Theresa's room, for real this time, when he suddenly almost fell against another person.

"Excuse me," a familiar voice said.

Axel looked up and caught sight of...

Caught sight of beautiful brown hair, light blue eyes, and a somewhat mischievous smirk.

He recognized her easily.

It was Addie.

Addie was staring at him with a wide smile.

"Oh, hey."

Axel blushed.

"Uh, hi, Addie."

Her smile widened as he said her name.

She leaned against the wall calmly and gave him an almost lazy smile.

"I see you remember me."

Axel frowned in confusion.

"Of course. I try to make it a habit to remember everyone I meet," Axel said.

The princess giggled and shook her head.

"Awww, that's sweet."

Axel blushed deeply.

He didn't know why this girl threw him off so much.

He just felt like he had to be on his toes around the girl.

"Hope you'll still remember me tomorrow," she said, giggling and moving closer to him, brushing against his shoulder as she went.

Axel blushed deeply and watched the princess go, trying not to let his eyes widen.

"What... what just happened?" Axel whispered to himself before making his way to Theresa's room with somewhat shaky legs.

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