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Chapter 1

It's 10:30

I sit in the bus-house waiting for the bus to come.

 I am late again.

Oh, come, on hurry up! 

The bus driver acts as if nobody has a fricking life or a job to get to! I see movement from the corner of my eye and turn my head slowly.

Oh, it's just that homeless woman, and she is staring at me like I have 10 eyeballs in my head.

"What?" I say trying to threaten her.

She stares, not at me but past me, as if I am pellucid.

 she's still.

"Hey, are you-

The bus pulls up in front of me.

I grab my purse and step onto the bus, giving the driver a hard-cold stare, but he doesn't notice me. I walk to the back of the bus and take a seat, I stare out the window at the homeless woman who sits with a thin blanket wrapped around her. It is cold its only 32 degrees out here.

I look down at my coat, my fir sleeves, and black exterior.

I'm warm.


It's about a 30-minute bus ride from the bus stop in front of my house to my job at the at a Starbucks.

When I arrive it's empty, which is mediocre considering the sovereignty Starbucks has been receiving, lately.

I dash into the store and behind the counter grabbing my apron from under the counter, throw off my coat, and tie the apron around my waist.

I turn to the sink behind me and wash my hands. I turn back to the counter and stand there waiting for the morning rush to come in.

But there is nothing.

No one walking around in front of the store no cars, nothing.

What time is it?

I look up to the clock hanging on the wall.

9:00 PM

Wait... I set my alarm to the wrong fricking time, I cant with this life anymore god wherever you are killing me right now, I Slap my hand over my face and start to untie my apron when someone walks in.

I look up and it's a man, he walks spritely up to the counter and stares straight into my eyes.

What the hell is he doing here, how did he get in here, why am I still here I'm not even supposed to be working.

"Excuse me, ma'am, are you alright?"

"No I'm not alright, but that doesn't matter what would you like?"

"No, no you don't have to stop yourself from not thinking about your life because of a customer, look there's nobody here you wanna sit and just talk with me?"

"No, I cant-

"I insist I have nowhere to be."

"I guess that explains you walking in here at 9:00 PM."

He chuckles then stops abruptly as if he just realized what I said.

"9:00 PM, It's 9:00 Am."


"That clock up there says 9:00 PM."

"Your clock must be set to the wrong time ma'am, come on."

He leads me to a table as if I can't navigate my way through an empty café that I have been working at for 3 years now, but I try to be what every man wants from a woman they think that they might be able to get in bed. Bitchy.

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