How hot? 102.3

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Abby to the right! ----->


Adrian’s POV

Holly squeezed my hand lightly and I looked down at them. I squeezed back and then listened as my sister bound down the steps towards us. “Is that her?” She asked happily.

Holly’s head turned towards my sister’s voice and I smiled. “Yeah, this is Holly.” I told her. “Holly, this loud mouth, obnoxious cheerleader is my sister Faith.” I told her.

Faith stopped in front of her and I gave her a wearily look. Faith in return stuck her tongue out at me.

“That’s not polite.” Holly told her, smiling. “It’s nice to meet you Faith.” She added.

Faith was staring her, well gaping actually. “How did you do that?” She asked.

Holly laughed lightly. “I don’t tell my secrets. Some might catch on to them one day.” She told my sister.

Faith nodded. “Okay. When’s dinner?” She asked my dad.

Brutus was still watching Holly. “About an hour.” He answered. “Adrian, can I speak to you for a moment?” He asked me.

I let go of Holly’s hand. “I’ll be right back.” I told her, walking into the kitchen with my dad.

I stopped by the doorway and looked at him questionably. “Why did you call me in here?” I asked.

Brutus stared at me. “I have to go tell the men downstairs to take a break from their ‘jobs’ because I don’t know if she can hear them or not.” He told me.

I frowned and looked over my shoulder to Holly who was now laughing with my sister. “You don’t honestly think that she could, do you?” I asked, thinking about it.

He was frowning at me, nodding. “She’s had training.” He said, thinking about it. “She’d be really useful in our business through.” He added.

I growled. “No! I don’t want her involved. I like her because she doesn’t know about what we are or what we go. I like that she’s innocent to this and I will know if she likes me for me or if she likes me because of the business.” I said through clenched teeth, I was beginning to get really pissed off now.

Brutus nodded and watched my face. “I understand. But she can’t find out about this. If she isn’t a part of it, then she can’t know about it. I’m going to tell them to take the rest of the evening off.” He disappeared through a door and I walked back to Holly. “Come with me.” I told her, taking her hand and pulling her up.

Faith watched us, confused. “We’ll be back for dinner.” I told her, walking Holly to the stairs and then helping her up them. I escorted her to my room and then inside. I know what you’re thinking, what guy in their right mind would take a girl they liked into their room? And here’s why; I’m actually a clean person. In my family’s business, things have to be organized. Well, that and because ever since my mother’s death I’ve been a little OCD.

I sat Holly on the bed and then I sat beside her. “Do you trust me?” I asked her.

Holly’s head turned towards me and I looked into her eyes. They were beautiful. I really wished she could see out of them. I wanted her to be able to see me.

Holly laced out fingers together and nodded. “Yes?” She asked. I smiled and put my hand on her cheek, leaning into her and kissing her softly.

Holly reacted quickly and kissed me back, putting a hand on my neck and the other on my side. When she pulled back, she hid her face from me. I frowned and pulled it back, pecking her lips. “Don’t hide.” I told her, lying back on the bed with her. “You’re a good kisser.” I told her.

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