The hunt under the night sky

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Sirius woke with a loud yawn as he stretched out on the couch. He had a worry in his stomach as he turned back into a human. He pushed the feeling away as he walked into the dining room to see Teddy with his homework layed across the table. "Good morning Ted, how long have you been up?" Sirius asked as he pulled out his wand to start the coffee. Teddy looked at him with a sheepish smile.

"Five, I think," Sirius laughed as he sat down at the table to look at Teddy's homework.

"You, young man are so the spitting image of your father you know that. Maybe a little bit of your mother too," Sirius laughed again as Tonks came down the stairs with Timothy in her arms. Sirius smiles at her, but when she smiles back Sirius could tell that she was masking something. He could tell, he saw it in her eyes. They were the same color as Remus's. Sirius's eyebrows arched.

"What's wrong?" Sirius said as he walked over to her. She did not say anything, but Sirius knew that they will talk about it away from the kids. Sirius nodded.

"Ok, Tim," Tonks said trying to keep her voice calm. "Padfoot and I are going to talk upstairs. Teddy, can you watch him?" Teddy nodded as his appearance turned to his father's too for he knew that there was something wrong with his father.

"Yes, mum. Is there something wrong with dad?" Teddy asked quietly. However, Sirius and his mother were already up the stares.

                 Remus woke with a start as he was hit with the smell of Greyback and his pack. It burned in his nose as he sat up and looked around. He did not hear Greyback, but he knew that he was close. 'It's time to end this. This is for you dad.'  Remus thought as he stood up and brushed himself off and walked to the scent of his alpha. He walked deeper and deeper into the woods, but he found no one, but the sent was still strong. He then took a deep breath and sniffed the air again. "Hello cub," Remus spun around fast on his heels. Moony growled inside and Remus allowed it to come out of his throat.

"Hello, Greyback," Remus said, his voice was dangerously calm as he stared at the animal that tore his life apart. Greyback smiled at him. Then he walked closer. Remus pulled out his wand and pointed it at his alpha just like a few days ago.

"Ah, now you're going to kill me," he laughed. The laugh grew as more of the pack came out of the trees. Remus looked around with fear, but he pushed it aside and kept his wand at Greyback.

"Yes, no I'm going to kill you," Remus said keeping his voice calm. However, before Remus could do anything a werewolf came up behind him and knocked him to the ground. The last thing that Remus saw was Greyback taking his wand and laughing. Remus tried to stand but his vision blurred and he passed out.

              Tonks led Sirius into Remus's study where she shut the door and started to pace back and forth.

"What's wrong Tonks?" Sirius asked voice shaking.

"Remus did not come to bed, I have not seen him since the mail came last night," Sirius looked at Remus's desk which was organized, so he was not working last night. The room was clean as it always was, but that worry he was feeling earlier came back.

"He was acting weird when he got that letter. You don't think," Sirius trailed off looking out the window.

"He went after," Tonks felt faint as her face lost all color. Sirius then slammed his fist on Remus's desk.

"What is he bloody thinking? We need to tell someone, or go find him ourselves," Sirius yelled, but there were tears in his eyes. Then he looked over to Tonks who was on her knees, and her head in her hands. She also had tears in her eyes.

"I, I... don't want to lose him. Sirius, what... what do we do?" She said in between her tears.

"We are not going to lose him, alright, we are going to bring him back home, and when I see him I'm going to hex him then hug him," Sirius had angry tears in his eyes. Tonks gave him a smile and nodded.

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