Silver and new brother

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"Remus, Remus!" Sirius called as he carried Timothy over to the living room and ran to get a blanket. "Remus!" he called again as the fear began to rise inside him. Sirius ran back over to where he put the boy. Then he wrapped Timothy in the blanket. "Remus!" he called one last time because the werewolf was walking down the stairs.

"What is it Padfoot, your hurting my ears?' Remus asked slightly annoyed, but he had a playful smile on his face. However, his smile was wiped off his face when he saw Timothy laying on the couch shaking. "What,' he cleared his throat. "What happened?" Remus asked running over to the living room. Sirius looked at his werewolf friend and cleared his throat

"I woke up and went into the kitchen. I found him looking around. He looked scared. So when I asked him what was wrong. All he said that he was cold, then he fell in my arms," he paused to look at Remus. Remus nodded and opened his mouth to say something but Sirius answered the question in his mind. "But Moony he does not have a fever. I," Sirius trailed off looking at Remus who had a terrified look on his face.

"Sirius, what if, what if the boys dieing? I, I don't think he's magic and werewolf bites kill muggles," Sirius looked at his friend. He has not seen him this scared since he and the other marauders found out that Remus was a werewolf back when they were in school. Then he saw Remus's face get red with anger. "I'm,"

"No, you're not, stay here," Sirius cut him off.

"I'm going to kill him," Remus said as he started to walk to the door with Sirius close behind. Sirius bit his lip and pulled out his wand.

"I'm sorry Moony," he said before he muttered a spell and Remus fell to the floor.

            Tonks woke to the sound of Remus falling to the floor. "What?" she asked voice filled with sleep. "What are they doing?" she asked herself as she got out of bed and went to the stares. Then she froze on the stairs when she saw her husband lying on the floor. "What did you do?" she asked as her hair turned red with anger. Sirius raised his hands in the air dropping his wand in the prosses. "What did you do?" she asked again as her hair got redder and redder.

"He, he was going after Greyback,"

"So, you knocked him out, really," She rolled her eyes. Sirius looked at Remus then over to the living room.

"Doggy, Doggy," Timothy called, making Sirius run over to him.

"Yes, pup?" Sirius said getting worried.

"I'm cold," the little werewolf shivered. Tonks who was over by Remus picked him up and carried him.

"What are we going to do about Remus?" Tonks asked putting him in a chair. Sirius only shrugged.

"We need to worry about Timothy at the moment,"

"Cold," he said shaking. Tonks put her hand to Timothy's forehead, but it was not warm.

"He does not have a fever. I think we need to take him to Madame Pomfrey," Sirius nodded and picked up the boy. He was right at the fireplace when he froze and turned around.

"What about Remus?" he said thinking out loud. Tonks thought for a moment.

"Let's take him with us, I don't want him to go and do something crazy," Sirius nodded as they both Flooed to the hospital wing at Hogwarts.

             "Madame Pomfrey, Madame Pomfrey," Sirius yelled holding the boy shaking in his arms. Tonks stepped out of the fireplace holding Remus, who has not woken yet. "Madame Pomfrey," Sirius yelled again. He was going to yell again, but Tonks put her finger to her lips and said:

"Shhhh, be quiet cousin. You don't want to wake Remus, do you? You know he's a light sleeper, and I don't want him to wake up and do something crazy, like try to kill Greyback," Sirius sighed then nodded. Then Madame Pomfrey came out of her office to see Timothy then looked over to Remus.

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