I will keep you safe cub

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Remus turned around fast blocking the view of the little boy that he needs to protect from Greyback. The older werewolf smiled at him and walked slowly into the room. Remus with fear and hate in his eyes pulled out his wand and aimed it at his alpha. Greyback laughed darkly in a dog like matter. "What are you going to do with that cub, huh, going to kill me, kill me with your magic?" he laughed again before he walked closer. He was so close to Remus now, but he did not care for he had to keep the boy away from the monster that tore his and Timothy's life apart when he was 5 years old and now the same thing is happening again.

"Yes, I'm going to kill you. You tore my life apart all for revenge. I used to think my father was wrong when he said,"

"Stop talking cub now," Remus cursed to himself and stopped talking. "Very good cub give me the boy," Remus shook his head he was fighting against the alpha's control.

"No," he snapped and pointed his wand at Greyback's throat. He heard Timothy cry behind him. "Timothy," the boy looked at him as Remus turns around to meet the boy's eyes with his wand at the werewolf's throat.

"Yes, s-sir" Remus smiled but this did not hide his nerves.

"I want you to go find someone and bring them in here ok," the boy nodded and got off the bed and ran out the door without looking back. If that boy has magic. He would be a Gryffindor. Remus laughed to himself. However, Greyback nocked Remus to the ground making the werewolf fall to the ground dropping his cane and wand. He growled in pain as he tried to reach for his wand but Greyback picked it up.

"You are not going to need this. Now join me, join your own kind. You don't need humans anymore. That boy can come with you, Remus. Now say yes and we can be a family," Greyback taunted him with an evil smile on his face. Still fighting against his alpha Remus tried to stand but Greyback kicked him and kicked him.

"I, will never, join your pack of monsters My father was right. You do deserve to die," this made Grayback snarl and kick Remus until he saw nothing but blackness.

             Timothy ran and ran trying to find someone, anyone. He was running so fast that he ran into someone. It turns out it was the same man as before. Kingsley looked at him with a smile, but it faded when he saw the boy had worry in his eyes. "Are you ok. What's wrong?" he asked meeting the boy's eyes.

"Help," was all the young werewolf said before he took Kingsley's arm and tried to pull him. "Help, please," he said still pulling on Kingsley's arm desperately.

"What happened? Can you tell me?" he asked looking at the boy. 'He looked so scared for.'  "Wait, Remus, where is he? Show me," Timothy nodded and ran back to his room where he left Remus and Greyback with Kingsley close behind.

              "Are you going to join me now?" Greyback asked giving Remus one last kick to his damaged side. Remus's eyes opened slowly and cleared his throat.

"No," he said slowly fighting the control of the alpha. Grayback laughed.

"You can't fight this forever you know. I turned you, I'm your alpha, you will learn who really is your boss and who is your friend," he laughed again throwing his wand on the ground. This was the last thing that Remus heard. 

               Kingsley and Timothy ran into Timothy's room, but Greyback was gone and Remus not moving on the ground. "Remus, Remus," but Remus did not answer. "Merlin's beard. What happened lad?" the minister asked checking Remus's pulse. He let out a sigh of relief when he felt it.

"We, we were talking and then he came," Timothy said very bluntly. Kingsley looked at him with his eyebrows raised.

"Can you tell me who he is," he asked picking up Remus and putting him on the bed before he pulled out his wand and put a healing spell on Remus. Then he turned around to meet the young werewolf's eyes and getting down his level, so he can see his eyes.

Young werewolf's under the moonWhere stories live. Discover now