The meeting

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We all must face our own inner demons no matter how dangerous. Even if it's a werewolf. This goes for Remus John Lupin, a werewolf since he was five. Remus sat in one of the many chairs in the hospital thinking about his past transform that happened only the night before. Sirius Black his best friend and his wife Nymphadora told him to go for a checkup when he woke this evening complaining about his hurt body. So here he sat waiting for them to call his name. Remus was not a stranger to the doctor and hospitals, this did not mean that he likes them. Remus sighed and looked around him. It was quiet tonight and he did not see many people. However, his sensitive nose picked up the smell of another werewolf. It was a young one. Just then Remus saw a young couple run-in with a child maybe around 4 or 5 in their arms. "Help! Help us please!" he heard the father of the child yell, but no one heard him. Remus let out a loud sigh and put his head in his hands. Then he saw the father look at him with a worried look.

These people, I need to help them, come on Lupin you are no doctor, but still. Remus sighed again.

"What's the boy's name, sir?" Remus asked voice ruff because it was the full moon last night. The father looked at him with hope in his eyes when he said:

"Timothy, can you help us?" Remus looked at him and grabbed his cane and stood up to see the boy.

"I'm, I'm afraid, I, I can not, but you came to the right place sir," Remus said looking at the doctor that just ran out.

"I can take him, come. Your son will be just fine," Remus knew that man was lying.

"Remus Lupin," Remus looked from the child that will be hated for his whole life to his doctor. Then he sighed and walked up to him and followed him into the dark hall. 

                 "How are you feeling Mr. Lupin?" Remus's doctor asked as they walked into the room. Remus who was thinking about the boy from earlier did not hear him. Remus looked up at his doctor who looked at him concerned. "Mr. Lupin?" the werewolf hums and shook the thought away.

"A little sore. My wife and best friend told me to come here when I woke three hours ago," his doctor hums and told him to sit on the table so he can look at Remus. Remus who was sitting grabbed his cane and stood up wincing in pain as he does so. Remus walked over to the table and sat down trying to hold the cry of pain that was in his throat.

"Full moon?" the doctor asked as Remus puts his cane down next to him. Remus nods and closed his eyes for a second before he opens them again. He hated feeling like this, after the full moon. "Ah, I see your ribs are broken, but don't worry we can fix them," Remus nods, "But, you will need to stay here for a couple of days. Do you have a job right now?" Remus shook his dizzy head and ran his hands over his scarred face.

"No, my wife and best friend are keeping the family together. I can't keep a job because of, of what I am," Remus said with sadness in his throat as he put his hand on his side.

"Did you know, that werewolves are getting less hate now," Remus raised his eyebrows and shook his head. His doctor smiled at him and said that he will prepare a room for him. Remus returned the smile, picked up his cane, got off the table and followed his doctor out of the room.

                  The walk to Remus's room was quiet, to his doctor's ears, but Remus, Remus heard everything. That might be the only upside to having Lycanthropy, his senses where amazing. However, one conversation made the Lycanthrope stop in his tracks. "I'm sorry, but there is no cure for this, but your son is a werewolf now,"

"No, there must be something you can do please," Remus had tears in his eyes as he stood there listening.

"I'm sorry there is nothing, I'm sure your son will be fine, and you can get through this. There is something that..."

Young werewolf's under the moonWhere stories live. Discover now