Chapter seven: the run

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this is chapter seven: the run

i hope you like it please






chapter seven:

today was a normal i went through the morning like usual and then went for a run in wolf form after lunch. i ran to the clearing like i do everyday and then just sat and stared at the lake. i was just sitting there when i heard rustling and something that sounded like crying. i quickly mind linked my pack to get here as quickly as possible and then walked over to where i heard the crying. i went through some of the buses and to where i heard crying.

it lead me to a tree with a hole in the middle. i bent down to the hole and look inside. there was two bundles of cloth inside and they were both moving around a lot and whimpering. i took the one on the left out of the hole and saw a little boy of about three clutching onto a piece of paper crying. i quickly calmed him down and held him. i took out the other bundle and looked inside. there was a little girl of about younger than one curled up crying i calmed her down as well then sat down and read the piece of paper.

dear whoever finds my children,

my name is Rose and these are my two children Mason and Charlotte. Mason is three and i thought i could look after him alone but then i met my mate and i fell pregnant but before i found out i was pregnant i ran away took my son and ran. then a month later i found out i was pregnant. i gave birth to her but i knew i couldn't take care of both so i decided to leave them on someones territory and hope that the pack will look after them well. i love them both dearly but seeing as im a single mother who has no pack i couldn't look after them. please look after my children well and teach them the right things of life.

with love to who ever has my children,


i heard my pack coming so i picked them both up still holding the letter and walked to the clearing. they came into the clearing but stopped when they saw me holding the two bundles.

"Arabella what is in those bundles my dear." asked Chris. "they are two babies, ones three and the others a week old. i found in a tree crying. this is the letter that Mason the three year old was holding." i gave the letter to Chris and started taking them out of their bundles so they weren't so hot. they both looked at me with big green eyes. Chris then said "OK well they shall stay with us but who will look after them, there is only you and Carly who could look after them and Carly's always busy so that leaves only you to look after them." "of course i will look after them i wouldn't just leave them alone, they have already been abandoned once by their mother so i wont abandon them as well.

we started walking back to the pack house, me carrying Mason and Charlotte. when we got back i took them into the kitchen to get some food for them. i fed Mason some food and then Charlotte some milk.

i took them into my room and fell asleep with them in my arms.


i hope you like this chapter, please,






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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2012 ⏰

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